Author archives: Invited Researcher

Dissemination videos can enhance education in STEM disciplines

Dissemination videos can enhance education in STEM disciplines


By Invited Researcher

Authors : Rubén Lijó , Global Training Coordinator at Hitachi Energy, Posdoctoral Researcher at Instituto para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en Comunicaciones (IDeTIC) / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Eduardo Quevedo , Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; and José Juan Castro , Department […]

The final stage in the formation of a ‘European genome’

The final stage in the formation of a ‘European genome’


By Invited Researcher

Authors: Eva-Maria Geigl, Directrice de recherche CNRS, co-responsable de l’équipe Épigénome et paléogénome de l’Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité; Oğuzhan Parasayan, Chercheur post-doctoral, Institut Pasteur, and Thierry Grange, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, co-responsable d’équipe de recherche, Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité High-resolution analysis of the genomes of individuals buried in a 4,500-year-old collective […]

TREM2 acts as a receptor for IL-34 to suppress acute myeloid leukemia in mice

TREM2 acts as a receptor for IL-34 to suppress acute myeloid leukemia in mice


By Invited Researcher

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a stem cell disease caused by the massive mobilization and differentiation arrest in primordial granulocytes. AML is characterized by a low survival rate and high recurrence . Although differentiation-induction therapy represents an innovative treatment strategy for AML , many problems still exist, including irreversible resistance, toxic effects, and limitations of […]

New multispecies compact ion source and efficient experimental proton beam characterization

New multispecies compact ion source and efficient experimental proton beam characterization


By Invited Researcher

Any particle accelerator needs a reliable electron or ion source as a first, humble but essential and critical component. The world’s most powerful particle accelerator today -the Large Hadron Collider- extracts its protons from a single bottle of Hydrogen gas. Ion sources produce beams for a large variety of different scientific experiments, industrial processes and […]