Category archives: Mathematics

Landau singularities revisited

Landau singularities revisited

MathematicsParticle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

Scientists have used computational algebraic geometry to study predictions for particle physics experiments, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These experiments, in combination with new mathematical tools, help to solve unanswered questions in physics in a much faster way and have a profound impact on our understanding of nature. When studying particle […]

A new approach to covariate shift adaptation

A new approach to covariate shift adaptation

Computer scienceMathematicsRobotics


In probability theory and statistics, a collection of random variables is independent and identically distributed (iid) if each random variable has the same probability distribution as the others and all are mutually independent. Most supervised machine learning methods assume that training and testing or production samples are drawn iid from the same underlying distribution. But […]

Synchrony with chaos

Synchrony with chaos


By Invited Researcher

Imagine an old-growth forest in the fading light of a summer evening. As the last of the sun’s rays disappear beneath the horizon, a tiny flash catches your eye. You turn around, hold your breath; it blinks again, hovering 2 feet above the leaf litter. Across the dusky glade, a fleeting response. Then another one […]

Fine-tuning wine fermentation processes

Fine-tuning wine fermentation processes

Chemical engineeringFood processingMathematics


Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration occurring in certain microorganisms, like yeasts. Many processes arising in diverse contexts can be classified as fermentation processes, such as manufacturing of some food products (baking, wine and beer industries are based on them) and of some industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals. Alcoholic fermentation comprises a series of biochemical […]

Modelling the new neuron-glial paradigm

Modelling the new neuron-glial paradigm



Modelling of neuron-glial interactions is an emerging field of Computational Neuroscience. The ubiquity of these interactions and the possibility that they may occur within the time and spatial scales that are usually ascribed to neuronal and synaptic function, calls for a revision of current neuron-based modeling paradigms to include potentially relevant effects mediated by glial […]

HOMA: a space orbit simulator

HOMA: a space orbit simulator



Quick simulations of space orbits and trajectories are essential in different aspects of space engineering, from the optimization of trajectories and orbit transfers, to the determination of the orbits themselves, altitude control, and gravitational modelling. Although the preliminary analysis of satellite space orbits can be done without extensive simulations, to represent the dynamical states of […]

Multiscale mathematical models for glioma progression

Multiscale mathematical models for glioma progression



Gliomas are the most prevalent subtype of primary brain tumours originating from mutations of the glia cells in the central nervous system. Gliomas are characterized by fast cell growth, strong invasion capability, and well-developed tumour vasculature. Although research and clinical trials have allowed significant progress in the comprehension and treatment of gliomas, they still have […]