Author archives: Mapping Ignorance

Increasing effects of global warming found on wildfire dynamics

Increasing effects of global warming found on wildfire dynamics

EconomicsPhysicsPlanetary ScienceSociology

By Mapping Ignorance

Climate change is increasingly influencing fire behaviour worldwide and intensifying fire smoke, endangering public health from air pollution caused by fires. These are the results of two new climate change impact attribution studies, both published in Nature Climate Change, with the involvement of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK. The first study finds […]

Assessing the quality of citizen science in archaeology

Assessing the quality of citizen science in archaeology


By Mapping Ignorance

More than 6,500 volunteers have supported the accurate identification of approximately 1,000 prehistoric burial mounds in the Netherlands in just four months, proving the value of involving volunteers in archaeology. In 2018, the Heritage Quest project was launched to harness the power of citizen scientists, utilizing crowd-sourcing to identify archaeological features on lidar imagery of […]

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

Computer scienceNeurosciencePsychology

By Mapping Ignorance

Author: Rachel Gordon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology In 1994, Florida jewelry designer Diana Duyser discovered what she believed to be the Virgin Mary’s image in a grilled cheese sandwich, which she preserved and later auctioned for $28,000. But how much do we really understand about pareidolia, the phenomenon of seeing faces and patterns in objects […]

Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems

Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterials

By Mapping Ignorance

Liquid crystals are all around us, from cell phone screens and video game consoles to car dashboards and medical devices. Run an electric current through liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and they generate colours, thanks to the unique properties of these fluids: rearrange their shape, and they reflect different wavelengths of light. As the lab of […]

Why do materials get stronger when they are deformed?

Why do materials get stronger when they are deformed?

Condensed matterMaterials

By Mapping Ignorance

Author: Leah Burrows, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences The earliest blacksmiths in the Bronze and Iron Ages figured out that when they deformed metal through bending or hammering, it became stronger. This process, known as work or strain hardening, is still used widely in metallurgy and manufacturing today to increase […]

A cheaper way to make green hydrogen, using AI

A cheaper way to make green hydrogen, using AI

Chemical engineeringChemistryComputer science

By Mapping Ignorance

Researchers at the University of Toronto are using artificial intelligence to accelerate scientific breakthroughs in the search for sustainable energy. They have used the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) to confirm that an AI-generated “recipe” for a new catalyst offered a more efficient way to make hydrogen fuel . To […]

A passive, efficient way to extract water from air

A passive, efficient way to extract water from air

Chemical engineeringChemistry

By Mapping Ignorance

Freshwater scarcity affects over two billion people in the world, primarily in arid and remote regions, as well as islands and coastal areas without freshwater sources. Climate change and population growth are only making the problem worse, and existing methods require an energy input, usually electrical. Renewable energy can fix this and is required for […]