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David Jiménez Torres
David Jiménez Torres is a PhD student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Cambridge. His project is funded by the Gates Cambridge Trust. His main research interests are contemporary Spanish literature, culture and history, and how they link to their European context. He has also worked in journalism, translation, and fiction.
Gerardo Cebrián
Gerardo Cebrián-Torrejón studied Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the Universities of Valencia and Leeds and obtained his PhD at the University Paris 11. After a postdoctoral position at the University Federal Fulminense (Brazil), he is currently MCF at Université des Antilles. His research interests focus on natural products, in particular total synthesis, pharmaceutical chemistry and more recently electrochemistry
Maialen Ruiz Prada
MSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry, has worked as a researcher in the field of atmospheric pollution, technician in a research centre dedicated to biomaterials and translator, among others. Currently she is learning Java and exploring the applications of the new technologies in the area of Science Communication.
Pablo Bernabéu
Pablo Bernabeu studied English Philology at Autonomous University of Madrid, with minors in Cognitive Linguistics and Translation. He enjoyed full-year exchanges at University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and University of Barcelona, and taught Spanish for six months in Kaunas, Lithuania. He then moved to the Netherlands for a research master’s in Psycholinguistics at the universities of Radboud and Tilburg, and he’s now conducting his thesis research at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. His interests concern language, specifically conceptual representation, the give-and-take between perception and abstraction, and evolution.
Helena Matute
Helena Matute holds a PhD in Psychology and is currently a full professor of Psychology at the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain), where she is the Director of the Experimental Psychology Laboratory. She has worked as invited researcher at the universities of Minnesota (USA), Gent (Belgium), Sydney (Australia) and Queensland (Australia). Her research interests include associative learning, causal learning, causal illusions and cognitive biases.
Eva Ferreira
Eva Ferreira is a Full Professor at the Econometrics and Statistical Department at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She graduated in Mathematics there, got her master's in Probability and Statistics at the Courant Institute (New York University) and earned his PhD at UPV/EHU. Her main research interests are related with stochastic processes, theory and applications.
Marisa Alonso Núñez
Marisa Alonso Núñez is pharmacist and biochemist and has a PhD in molecular microbiology and genetics. She has been working as a research scientist at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research in Manchester (UK) the past few years and she is currently working in the bi-centenarian Pharmacy Núñez in Astorga (Spain)
Adela Torres
Adela Torres studied Biology, specializing in Biochemistry. After finishing her degree, she was a participant in the Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Sequencing Project, and after getting a fellowship from Fundación La Caixa spent five years researching DNA mismatch repair in plants at Oregon State University. Even though she doesn't work in research anymore, science is still her main passion.
Inko Elgezua
MSc in Mechanical Engineering by the University of Navarra, Spain. Currently he is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the department of Integrative Bioscience and Engineering at Waseda University, Tokyo, where he works as Associate Researcher. His research interests are: medical robotics, soft tissue modeling, intelligent control and underactuated robotics.