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Aroa Pache
Aroa Pache holds an International PhD by the University of the Basque Country (June, 2014). Her PhD research project, part of it done at the University of Melbourne (Australia), was related to the synthesis, chemical characterization and structural studies of new hybrid systems based on Keggin type polyoxometalates (POM) and copper complexes with N,O- chelating ligands. She would like to expand her professional horizons by seeking new challenges and objectives.
Nacho Álvarez Peralta
Nacho Alvarez holds a PhD in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. He currently works as Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valladolid (UVA). He is also Research Associate at the Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI).
Laura Casares
Laura is a physicist with a International PhD in Biomedicine from the University of Barcelona. She is currently working at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC, Barcelona) combining research with Science Communication and Outreach. She has participated in several scientific fairs and outreach activities and she is now studying for a Master's in Science Communication at UPF.
Eduardo Oliver
Eduardo Oliver graduated in Pharmacy and got a PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Valencia. Currently he is a research associate at the Centre for Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Imperial College London (UK). His major interest is to better understand cardiovascular diseases and the use of genetics for finding new therapeutic targets.
Oskar González
Oskar González-Mendia got his PhD from the University of the Basque Country. Since 2015 he works as a Chemistry lecturer at the faculties of Science and Technology and Fine Arts of that University. From 2013 to 2015, he enjoyed a Post-Doctoral research grant from the Basque Country Government at Leiden University.
Patrice Camati
Patrice Camati has a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) in Brazil. Currently, he holds a Templeton Independent Researcher Fellowship (TIRF) and works as a postodc at Institut Néel - CNRS (Grenoble, France). He works on the field of Quantum Thermodynamics.
Rita Carlos
Rita Carlos is a Post Doc fellow at the Instituto Gulbenkian Ciência in Portugal. Her main interest is to understand how DNA repair mechanism impact on different diseases. Rita did her PhD at the University of Oxford and this focused on the role of DNA damage responses in maintaining genomic stability and preventing tumorigenesis. Currently she is exploring the impact of the DNA damage response on the pathogenesis of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.
Carlos Rueda
Carlos Rueda Díez is a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University. His research interests are neurobiology and bioenergetics.
Joaquín Sevilla
Physics PhD (U. Autónoma de Madrid, 1991), Associate professor at U. Pública de Navarra. His (main) research interests are photonic materials and assistive technology.