Category archives: Humanities & Social Sciences

Dissemination videos can enhance education in STEM disciplines

Dissemination videos can enhance education in STEM disciplines


By Invited Researcher

Authors : Rubén Lijó , Global Training Coordinator at Hitachi Energy, Posdoctoral Researcher at Instituto para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en Comunicaciones (IDeTIC) / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Eduardo Quevedo , Institute for Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) / Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; and José Juan Castro , Department […]

The final stage in the formation of a ‘European genome’

The final stage in the formation of a ‘European genome’


By Invited Researcher

Authors: Eva-Maria Geigl, Directrice de recherche CNRS, co-responsable de l’équipe Épigénome et paléogénome de l’Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité; Oğuzhan Parasayan, Chercheur post-doctoral, Institut Pasteur, and Thierry Grange, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, co-responsable d’équipe de recherche, Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris Cité High-resolution analysis of the genomes of individuals buried in a 4,500-year-old collective […]

Misunderstanding idealization, truth, and understanding (1)

Misunderstanding idealization, truth, and understanding (1)

Philosophy of science

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Angela Potochnik’s Idealization and the Aims of Science is probably one of the most interesting and ambitious philosophy of science books of the last years. It offers a picture of scientific knowledge and of its production that elaborates on, and wisely amends, some of the best literature in the recent ‘pragmatist’ tradition of philosophy of […]

How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist

How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist

Philosophy of sciencePhysics

By Invited Researcher

Modern physics suggests time may be an illusion. Einstein’s theory of relativity, for example, suggests the universe is a static, four-dimensional block that contains all of space and time simultaneously – with no special “now”. What’s the future to one observer, is the past to another. That means time doesn’t flow from past to future […]

Inequality in children’s access to the digital world

Inequality in children’s access to the digital world


By Invited Researcher

Digital skills differ among individuals. This can be related to inequality of accessibility, affordability and/or availability of training resources that are necessary to participate in the digital world. These digital divides were even more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which there were school closures. On one hand, education systems were not prepared for a […]

The use of AI in war gaming could change military strategy

The use of AI in war gaming could change military strategy

Computer scienceEconomics

By Invited Researcher

The rise of commercially viable generative artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform a vast range of sectors. This transformation will be particularly profound in contemporary military education. Generative AI will fundamentally reshape war gaming — analytical games that simulate aspects of warfare at tactical, operational or strategic levels — by allowing senior military […]

Basque intransitive reciprocals: from seeing each other to getting married

Basque intransitive reciprocals: from seeing each other to getting married


By Invited Researcher

Author: Kristina Bilbao, PhD candidate at the University of the Basque Country, Dept. of Linguistics and Basque Studies (UPV/EHU) and member of The Bilingual Mind Research Group (Gogo Elebiduna) Reciprocal constructions express a symmetrical relation between participants involved in an event . For instance, consider the reciprocal construction Anne and Mary hugged each other, which […]