Author archives: DIPC

The uncertainty principle, under a new light

The uncertainty principle, under a new light

Quantum physics


In ordinary life it is assumed that any physical property of an object can be measured as accurately as necessary. To reach any desired degree of accuracy would require only a sufficiently precise instrument. Wave mechanics showed, however, that even in thought experiments with ideal instruments there are limits to the accuracy of measurements that […]

How the physical model of atoms was lost

How the physical model of atoms was lost

Condensed matterHistoryQuantum physics


By the mid-1920s it was clear that “things” (electrons, atoms, molecules) long regarded as particles also show wave properties. This fact is the basis for the currently accepted theory of atomic structure. This theory, quantum mechanics, was introduced in 1925. Its foundations were developed very rapidly during the next few years, primarily by Born, Heisenberg […]

Itinerant ferromagnetism at the surface of an antiferromagnet

Itinerant ferromagnetism at the surface of an antiferromagnet

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyPhysicsQuantum physics


Silicon surfaces of crystalline solids are part of conventional electronics, but their exploitation in novel materials combining two-dimensional electron states (2DESs) and magnetism, which play an important role in the development of next-generation electronics, still remains elusive. The appearance of 2DESs at surfaces or interfaces and their interplay with magnetic degrees of freedom may open […]

The classical behaviour of the dark modes of silver nanotrimers

The classical behaviour of the dark modes of silver nanotrimers

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


Nanoparticles of certain metals, like gold or silver, have attracted substantial interest in recent years owing to their ability to support localized surface plasmon resonances (collective oscillations of conduction electrons). These plasmonic excitations allow manipulation of light at the nanoscale and have enabled technological advances ranging from improved catalytic and photovoltaic cell efficiencies to sensitive […]

A 2D phase transition controlled by an electric field

A 2D phase transition controlled by an electric field

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsPhysics


A phase may be defined as a homogeneous portion of a system that has uniform physical and chemical characteristics. Every pure material is considered to be a phase; so also is every solid, liquid, and gaseous solution. For example, a sugar–water syrup solution is one phase, and solid sugar is another. Each has different physical […]