Author archives: Invited Researcher

Protecting endangered languages feels right, but does it really help people?

Protecting endangered languages feels right, but does it really help people?


By Invited Researcher

endangered Author: Dave Sayers, Senior Lecturer in Sociolinguistics, University of Jyväskylä / Jyväskylän yliopisto Headlines abound with the plight of endangered minority languages around the world. Read a few of these and you’ll see some common themes: the rising number of languages dying worldwide, the distressing isolation of individual last speakers, and the wider cultural […]

The oldest known jellyfish

The oldest known jellyfish


By Invited Researcher

Author: Ramón Muñoz-Chápuli has been Professor of Animal Biology in the University of Málaga until his retirement. He has investigated for forty years in the fields of developmental biology and animal evolution. Cnidarians (corals, hydrozoans and jellyfish) are fascinating animals. Despite their primitive organization, lacking a brain or muscles, they are efficient predators of much […]

Sahara space rock upends assumptions about the early Solar System

Sahara space rock upends assumptions about the early Solar System

GeosciencesPlanetary Science

By Invited Researcher

Sahara Author: Evgenii Krestianinov, PhD candidate, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University In May 2020, some unusual rocks containing distinctive greenish crystals were found in the Erg Chech sand sea, a dune-filled region of the Sahara Desert in southern Algeria. On close inspection, the rocks turned out to be from outer space: lumps […]

Impact of social networks on adolescents

Impact of social networks on adolescents


By Invited Researcher

Social networks Author: Martha R. Villabona works at Subdirección General de Cooperación Territorial e Innovación Educativa of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, where she coordinates the area of multiple literacies. The American Psychological Association (APA) states that the use of social networks is either harmful or beneficial for young people . In […]

T-cell acute leukaemia exhibits dynamic interactions with bone marrow microenvironment

T-cell acute leukaemia exhibits dynamic interactions with bone marrow microenvironment


By Invited Researcher

T-cell Author: Marta Irigoyen is a postdoctoral researcher at CIC bioGUNE T-ALL is an aggressive malignancy which results from the leukemic transformation of T-cell progenitors into tumor cells. It is widely accepted that complex interactions between T-ALL cells and their surrounding microenvironment contribute to disease and may regulate quiescence, survival and self-renewal of cancer cells […]

What El Niño means for the world’s perilous climate tipping points

What El Niño means for the world’s perilous climate tipping points


By Invited Researcher

Niño Author: David Armstrong McKay, Researcher in Earth System Resilience, Stockholm University The UN World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has confirmed it: El Niño conditions have arrived and are expected to become moderate to strong as they develop over the coming year. El Niño is the hot phase of a natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate […]

SARS-CoV-2 infect immune cells of the central nervous system

SARS-CoV-2 infect immune cells of the central nervous system


By Invited Researcher

SARS-CoV-2 Author: José R. Pineda got his Ph.D. from University of Barcelona in 2006. Since 2007 he has worked for Institut Curie and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Currently he is a researcher of the UPV/EHU. He investigates the role of stem cells in physiologic and pathologic conditions. With 676.609.955 cases registered […]