Author archives: Jesús Zamora Bonilla

The Enlightenment wars (& 3): but…what kind of humanism do we need?

The Enlightenment wars (& 3): but…what kind of humanism do we need?


By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

In the two previous entries (1, 2) of this series I described the different diagnoses that Marina Garcés and Steven Pinker make of humanity’s current predicament, without concealing my sympathies for the latter’s: with up and downs, with unequal division of the benefits, without bringing us a literal paradise, with lots of problems still to […]

What do we think? Scientific knowledge after judgment aggregation

What do we think? Scientific knowledge after judgment aggregation

Philosophy of science

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

After centuries of debate, there is no agreement about whether ‘knowledge’ must be essentially conceived as a cognitive state of individual minds, or must be attributed to some collective entity, i.e., whether it’s me , or we , who ‘really’ knows. A promising analytical approach to this problem has emerged in recent years, which is […]