Category archives: Economics

Child slavery in West Africa: understanding cocoa farming is key to ending the practice

Child slavery in West Africa: understanding cocoa farming is key to ending the practice


By Invited Researcher

In 2000 and 2001, the use of child slaves on cocoa farms in West Africa was exposed in a series of documentaries and pieces of investigative journalism, sparking an international outcry . This series of events was far from unprecedented. As discussed in my paper, since the 19th century, when cocoa was first introduced to […]

Altcoins could provide a green solution to energy-guzzling cryptocurrencies

Altcoins could provide a green solution to energy-guzzling cryptocurrencies

Computer scienceEconomics

By Invited Researcher

The cryptocurrency bitcoin now uses up more electricity a year than the whole of Argentina, according to recent estimates from the University of Cambridge. That’s because the creation of a bitcoin, in a process called mining, is achieved by powerful computers that work night and day to decode and solve complex mathematical problems. The energy […]

Participatory budgeting, some issues

Participatory budgeting, some issues


By Invited Researcher

Participatory budgeting seeks to involve some form of public deliberation in the budget allocation of a city or town. The first process took place in Porto Alegre (Brazil) in the late eighties. Since then the practice spread through the world, with more than 7,000 processes around the world in 2018. The logic underpinning participatory budgeting […]

Cost of energy and its variability can be reduced in tidal power

Cost of energy and its variability can be reduced in tidal power

EconomicsEnergyMechanical Engineering


Tides are more predictable than winds or sunshine. Then, why are not they already widely used as a source of renewable energy? The simple answer is that designing and building an ocean energy array is quite complex. This complexity has an associated variability in the cost of energy that makes projects difficult to evaluate from […]