Category archives: Economics

Voting sincerely for public facilities location

Voting sincerely for public facilities location


By José Luis Ferreira

T here are two major impossibility theorems in social choice: Arrow’s theorem (1951) : the only system to aggregate individual preferences into social preferences (e.g., a voting mechanism) that satisfies the properties of transitivity, monotonicity and independence of irrelevant alternatives for all possible individual preferences is the dictatorial system. Gibbard–Satterthwaite’ theorem (1973) : any voting […]

The costs of going green

The costs of going green


By José Luis Ferreira

A tax on carbon emissions is an efficient way to make firms and consumers internalize the environmental costs due to climate change. However, there are many other aspects to consider in a transition from a fossil-fueled economy to a cleaner one. In a past article we presented the case for subsidies on research to develop […]

On scientific co-authorship (2): An economic diversion, Ronald Coase’s theory of the firm

On scientific co-authorship (2): An economic diversion, Ronald Coase’s theory of the firm

EconomicsPhilosophy of science

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Let me leave aside for a moment our talk about scientists and papers, and bring up a topic that, at first sight, might seem totally unconnected: Ronald Coase’s economic theory about the firm and the allocation of property rights. As in the case of the problem we mentioned in our last entry (why scientists share […]