Category archives: Biology




By Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias

Inside the cells of breathing organisms –microorganisms, fungi, plants and animals– a cyclically configured sequence of chemical reactions transfers the energy provided by the organic substances –based on carbon chains– incorporated in the food into ATP molecules. This process, which we call the Krebs cycle, starts with acetyl coenzyme A (or acetyl-CoA), a derivative of […]

Could the largest known proteins be synthesized by the smallest bacteria?

Could the largest known proteins be synthesized by the smallest bacteria?


By Invited Researcher

Author: Ramón Muñoz-Chápuli has been Professor of Animal Biology in the University of Málaga until his retirement. He has investigated for forty years in the fields of developmental biology and animal evolution. On October 11th, I published an article on Mapping Ignorance about the microbial dark matter, the vast diversity of microorganisms that cannot be […]

Drug combinations to combat antibiotic resistance

Drug combinations to combat antibiotic resistance


By Rosa García-Verdugo

One of the biggest health threats in our current society is not related to a virus, not even to diabetes or cardiovascular disease, but to antimicrobial resistance. In fact, over 5 million deaths per year are associated with resistant bacteria, of which nearly 1.3 million deaths per year are directly attributable to antimicrobial resistance. This […]

Precise cell division and cognition in modern humans

Precise cell division and cognition in modern humans

BiologyBiomedicineGeneticsMolecular biology

By Daniel Moreno Andrés

Cell division, or mitosis, is a breathtaking choreography that showcases the grandeur of life. The primary objective of this process is to meticulously separate the two copies of the cell genome, presented in the form of chromatin, and allocate them between two daughter cells. Consequently, it holds paramount significance for the reproduction of unicellular organisms […]

Platelets participate in hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function

Platelets participate in hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function


By Invited Researcher

Platelets Author: José R. Pineda got his Ph.D. from University of Barcelona in 2006. Since 2007 he has worked for Institut Curie and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Currently he is a researcher of the UPV/EHU. He investigates the role of stem cells in physiologic and pathologic conditions. There is currently a […]

Throwing light on microbial dark matter

Throwing light on microbial dark matter


By Invited Researcher

microbial dark matter Author: Ramón Muñoz-Chápuli has been Professor of Animal Biology in the University of Málaga until his retirement. He has investigated for forty years in the fields of developmental biology and animal evolution. In recent years, single cell genomics and metagenomic studies of environmental samples have enabled insights into “microbial dark matter”, the […]

The oldest known jellyfish

The oldest known jellyfish


By Invited Researcher

Author: Ramón Muñoz-Chápuli has been Professor of Animal Biology in the University of Málaga until his retirement. He has investigated for forty years in the fields of developmental biology and animal evolution. Cnidarians (corals, hydrozoans and jellyfish) are fascinating animals. Despite their primitive organization, lacking a brain or muscles, they are efficient predators of much […]

High functional diversity of island plants

High functional diversity of island plants

BiologyEcologyPlant biology

By César Tomé

Oceanic islands provide useful models for ecology, biogeography and evolutionary research. Many ground-breaking findings – including Darwin’s theory of evolution – have emerged from the study of species on islands and their interplay with their living and non-living environment. Now, an international research team led by the University of Göttingen has investigated the flora of […]