Category archives: Geosciences

Sahara space rock upends assumptions about the early Solar System

Sahara space rock upends assumptions about the early Solar System

GeosciencesPlanetary Science

By Invited Researcher

Sahara Author: Evgenii Krestianinov, PhD candidate, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University In May 2020, some unusual rocks containing distinctive greenish crystals were found in the Erg Chech sand sea, a dune-filled region of the Sahara Desert in southern Algeria. On close inspection, the rocks turned out to be from outer space: lumps […]

What El Niño means for the world’s perilous climate tipping points

What El Niño means for the world’s perilous climate tipping points


By Invited Researcher

Niño Author: David Armstrong McKay, Researcher in Earth System Resilience, Stockholm University The UN World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has confirmed it: El Niño conditions have arrived and are expected to become moderate to strong as they develop over the coming year. El Niño is the hot phase of a natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate […]

Groundwater pumping alters Earth’s spin

Groundwater pumping alters Earth’s spin


By César Tomé

According to a recent study , humans have displaced a significant volume of water from the ground and relocated it, resulting in an Earth shift of approximately 80 centimetres (31.5 inches) eastward solely between 1993 and 2010. According to prior climate models, researchers had initially estimated that humans extracted around 2,150 gigatons of groundwater between […]

The role of mineral dust aerosols on climate change

The role of mineral dust aerosols on climate change

ChemistryEcologyGeosciencesPlanetary Science

By Invited Researcher

aerosol Author: Rubén Soussé Villa is pursuing a PhD in atmospheric chemistry at Barcelona Supercompting Center / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Mineral dust aerosols are microscopic rocky particles – for instance, sand – floating in the atmosphere. They are typically windblown from deserts, arid areas and agricultural lands, where they are produced from continued erosion […]

Bio-mining pyrite with no oxygen

Bio-mining pyrite with no oxygen


By César Tomé

Pyrite, also known as “fool’s gold,” is an abundant iron sulphide mineral in the Earth’s crust. All organisms need iron and sulphur to grow. Because pyrite does not dissolve in oxygen-free conditions, scientists previously thought that organisms could not use pyrite in the absence of oxygen. Research shows that certain single-celled microorganisms can dissolve pyrite […]

Cyanobacteria could help colonize the moon and Mars

Cyanobacteria could help colonize the moon and Mars


By César Tomé

The biochemical process by which cyanobacteria acquire nutrients from rocks in Chile’s Atacama Desert has inspired engineers to think of new ways microbes might help humans build colonies on the moon and Mars. Researchers used high-resolution electron microscopy and advanced spectroscopic imaging techniques to gain a precise understanding of how microorganisms modify both naturally occurring […]