MI weekly selection #586
Quantum entanglement found inside protons for first time
Researchers have observed quantum entanglement within protons, where quarks and gluons are entangled, allowing them to share information across the proton. This breakthrough, reported by Brookhaven National Laboratory, alters the understanding of proton structure and could provide new insights into fundamental particles.
Full Story: Live Science
Snow leopards’ unique evolution
Snow leopards adapted to their high-altitude environments. New research, which analysed fossils from various Eurasian sites, shows highlights key adaptations such as enhanced vision, respiratory efficiency and limb agility.
Full Story: Earth
Migrating songbirds appear to communicate across species
Songbirds collaborate across species during nighttime migrations, according to a study that recorded more than 18,300 hours of nocturnal migrations over three years. “Species with similar wing sizes were more likely to associate, and wing length is directly linked to flight speed,” said Benjamin Van Doren, lead author of the study.
Full Story: Labroots
How geoengineering could affect Indian agriculture
New research examines the potential impact of solar climate intervention strategies, specifically stratospheric aerosol injection, on agriculture in India. The study compares two climate scenarios: one with SAI limiting warming to 1.5°C and another without SAI, projecting higher emissions and temperatures.
Full Story: Eos
Chernobyl dogs’ unique genetics not linked to mutations
Feral dogs near Chernobyl have unique genetic differences from their ancestors who survived the 1986 nuclear disaster, but these variations are not due to radiation-induced mutations. Researchers from North Carolina State University and Columbia University found no evidence of increased mutation rates, suggesting the first generation of dogs to survive the disaster benefitted from pre-existing genetic traits.
Full Story: Popular Science