[…] ¿Y si el casco fuese conveniente para el ciclista pero las leyes que obligan a llevarlo contraproducentes? Esto es lo que analiza Carlos Casanueva en When cycling, wear a helmet…or maybe don’t. […]
[…] artículo es una traducción-adaptación del original que escribí en inglés para Mapping […]
I would say that 10 and up don’t need them my i had very strict rules about it but when she turned 10 i said if i don’t wear one why should she she never falls on a bike and it makes your hair feel really good so why do it so my daughter is 10 now and i don’t think it would be fair to make her wear one ever again because they are now an adult and plus a huge reason is its embarrassing
[…] ¿Y si el casco fuese conveniente para el ciclista pero las leyes que obligan a llevarlo contraproducentes? Esto es lo que analiza Carlos Casanueva en When cycling, wear a helmet…or maybe don’t. […]
[…] artículo es una traducción-adaptación del original que escribí en inglés para Mapping […]
I would say that 10 and up don’t need them my i had very strict rules about it but when she turned 10 i said if i don’t wear one why should she she never falls on a bike and it makes your hair feel really good so why do it so my daughter is 10
now and i don’t think it would be fair to make her wear one ever again because they are now an adult and plus a huge reason is its embarrassing