Author archives: Invited Researcher

A Tale of Primary Cilia: from overlooked organelles to key mechanically-sensing antennae

A Tale of Primary Cilia: from overlooked organelles to key mechanically-sensing antennae


By Invited Researcher

Author: Jose V. Torres-Perez (@Jovitope) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Biological and Chemical Sciencies, Queen Mary, University of London (UK). This is the story of primary cilium, a cellular structure discovered at least 122 years ago. It was soon regarded as rudimentary and then forgotten for most researchers. Nonetheless, recent advances proved […]

One sense less, one more equation

One sense less, one more equation


By Invited Researcher

The cerebral cortex is a limited resource. Evolution has employed some impressive tricks to increase the amount of cortex available, such as folding it, therefore getting more surface in the same volume, or putting different things in the left and right hemisphere instead of duplicating them, thus enlarging its capacity to accommodate specific functions such […]

Conspiracy theories: how belief is rooted in evolution – not ignorance

Conspiracy theories: how belief is rooted in evolution – not ignorance


By Invited Researcher

Despite creative efforts to tackle it, belief in conspiracy theories, alternative facts and fake news show no sign of abating. This is clearly a huge problem, as seen when it comes to climate change, vaccines and expertise in general – with anti-scientific attitudes increasingly influencing politics. So why can’t we stop such views from spreading? […]

Nature versus nurture: how modern science is rewriting it

Nature versus nurture: how modern science is rewriting it


By Invited Researcher

The question of whether it is genes or environment that largely shapes human behaviour has been debated for centuries. During the second half of the 20th century, there were two camps of scientists – each believing that nature or nurture, respectively, was exclusively at play. This view is becoming increasingly rare, as research is demonstrating […]

Quantum physics: our study suggests objective reality doesn’t exist

Quantum physics: our study suggests objective reality doesn’t exist

Quantum physics

By Invited Researcher

Alternative facts are spreading like a virus across society. Now it seems they have even infected science – at least the quantum realm. This may seem counter intuitive. The scientific method is after all founded on the reliable notions of observation, measurement and repeatability. A fact, as established by a measurement, should be objective, such […]