Author archives: Jaime de Juan Sanz

Image of Jaime de Juan Sanz

Jaime de Juan-Sanz holds an M.Sc. in Molecular Biomedicine from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Ph.D. in Molecular Neurobiology obtained at Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa” (CBMSO). He is currently a postdoctoral associate at Weill Cornell Medical College (Cornell University) in New York City where he is investigating the molecular basis of synaptic transmission, studying biophysical aspects of synaptic biology. He is also interested in encouraging open science in our society promoting open access research and science outreach.

The blue blood of the horseshoe crab

The blue blood of the horseshoe crab


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

One hears blue blood and immediately thinks about royal family members. Some biologists, though, immediately will think about Limulus polyphemus , a marine animal commonly known as the horseshoe crab. Why? Because, very surprisingly, this arthropod actually has true blue blood! Human blood is red because of the hemoglobin inside our red blood cells, which […]

How to engineer bacteria to treat cancer

How to engineer bacteria to treat cancer


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

It all began in 1891, when Dr. William B. Coley, a bone sarcoma surgeon at the Memorial Hospital in New York, injected streptococcal organisms into a patient with inoperable cancer. He thought that the infection he induced would have the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor… and quite surprisingly he was right! The patient’s […]

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Increasing numbers of people are developing diabetes in our society and current predictions estimate that nowadays this disease affects about 9% of the whole population. As a consequence, health care systems in industrialized countries have developed many types of clinical interventions that prevent and treat classic complications of this disease and improve the lifetime and […]

Contact lenses to monitor glucose levels: A sweet solution for diabetic patients?

Contact lenses to monitor glucose levels: A sweet solution for diabetic patients?


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Diabetes is becoming a huge problem in our society, affecting nowadays one in every 20 people in this planet. Although some people don’t know, diabetes is a very serious disease that can cause damage in the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, producing different neuropathies, kidney failures, blindness and increasing in the risk of […]

The use of natural fluorescent proteins for studying life

The use of natural fluorescent proteins for studying life

BiochemistryBiologyMaterialsMolecular biologyNeuroscience

By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Some jellyfish species are beautifully fluorescent in the dark ocean, emitting light from different parts of their bodies in a process that is thought to help them to warn off predators. The molecular biology behind this process of glowing is possible thanks to one of the most famous proteins in molecular biology, the green fluorescent […]