Category archives: Cosmology

The Hubble tension in perspective: A crisis in modern cosmology?

The Hubble tension in perspective: A crisis in modern cosmology?


By Tomás Ruiz-Lara

Imagine a Universe that started with a huge explosion setting the beginning of space and time to the point that such concepts have no meaning until then. Imagine a Universe that, after an inflationary phase (extremely fast expansion), kept expanding and forming stars and galaxies distributed in a sponge-like structure dominated by walls and filaments […]

The search for dark matter gets a speed boost from quantum technology

The search for dark matter gets a speed boost from quantum technology

AstrophysicsCosmologyQuantum physics

By Invited Researcher

Nearly a century after dark matter was first proposed to explain the motion of galaxy clusters, physicists still have no idea what it’s made of. Researchers around the world have built dozens of detectors in hopes of discovering dark matter. As a graduate student, I helped design and operate one of these detectors, aptly named […]

The brightest end of the Lyman alpha luminosity function

The brightest end of the Lyman alpha luminosity function

AstrophysicsCosmologyDIPC AstrophysicsDIPC Computational Cosmology


The Javalambre-Photometric Local Universe Survey, J-PLUS, is an unprecedented photometric sky survey of 8500 deg 2 visible from Javalambre (Aragón, Spain), using a set of 12 broad, intermediate and narrow-band filters. The J-PLUS photometric system is well suited to study the properties of nearby galaxies (z < 0.015). However, there are a few redshift windows […]

The road to quantum gravity (4): The flow of time for massive objects

The road to quantum gravity (4): The flow of time for massive objects

CosmologyHistoryTheoretical physics

By Daniel Fernández

We started this series discussing the basic ingredients of the Universe: events, spacetime, causality. In the last chapter , we introduced massive objects (and thus, matter), which appear as a generalization of the so-called photon box. As it moves, any object traces a path. Physicists call it worldline . We established that a massive object […]

The road to quantum gravity (3): The speed of light and the origin of mass

The road to quantum gravity (3): The speed of light and the origin of mass

CosmologyHistoryTheoretical physics

By Daniel Fernández

In the previous chapter of this series, we went over the subjective, relative separation of the network of events known as Spacetime into space and time. The speed of light played a major role in the discussion. In particular, we divided Spacetime into three regions (with respect to a particular event) defined by the existence […]

The Road to Quantum Gravity (2):  The emergence of Space and Time

The Road to Quantum Gravity (2): The emergence of Space and Time

CosmologyHistoryTheoretical physics

By Daniel Fernández

The division of past and future In Part 1 of this series, we presented the empirical fact that under extreme circumstances, a certain observer’s past can be in another observer’s future. To explain this, we introduced the network of cause and consequence relations as the fixed background structure of reality. This network constitutes Spacetime. Causality […]

The dark collapse of merging galaxies as the origin of supermassive black holes

The dark collapse of merging galaxies as the origin of supermassive black holes

AstrophysicsCosmologyDIPC Computational Cosmology


I remember very well my physics professor during my first year at university. She stressed the importance of having clear intuitions of what physical terms mean before any mathematics was invoked. ‘Imagine someone drops an 100-gram apple 1 metre above your head’, she would say; ‘the pain you feel is the equivalent of a joule […]

The road to quantum gravity (1):  Spacetime as the network of causality

The road to quantum gravity (1): Spacetime as the network of causality

CosmologyHistoryTheoretical physics

By Daniel Fernández

Observations vs intuitions Einstein’s Theory of Relativity introduced us to the concept of Spacetime, as a unified entity. This stands in contrast with the intuition that we develop since birth, which leads to naturally separate space and time. Human intuition is a way to understand how the world works, our brain processes our daily experiences […]