Category archives: Neuroscience

Epigenetic alterations in Alzheimer’s disease, nature vs. nurture on the path to dementia

Epigenetic alterations in Alzheimer’s disease, nature vs. nurture on the path to dementia


By Raúl Delgado-Morales

Nowadays there are still people that believe in destiny. However the scientific community more and more is bringing light to that subject showing that although the genetic material could program ourselves to suffer some pathologies, the day-to-day experiences are the ones that lead us towards a healthy or pathological aging. And how is that? Our […]

Je ne regrette rien (2): Consciuous decisions in the lab

Je ne regrette rien (2): Consciuous decisions in the lab


By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Psychologists and neurologists have been interested in the problem of free will since the beginning of their specialities, though the first clearly devised and relevant experiments on the topic were those of Libet and colleagues, in the early eighties. In this famous experiment, subjects who were before a clock, and whose brain electrical waves were […]

How good are neuron models?

How good are neuron models?


By Jorge Mejías

For several decades now, physicists, mathematicians, neurobiologists and other specialists have been joining efforts to build realistic mathematical models of neurons. A typical model consists on one or several differential equations that are able to predict the evolution of the membrane potential of a neuron for a given input. When introduced in a computer, these […]

Reinforcement learning in the brain

Reinforcement learning in the brain


By Jorge Mejías

The term reinforcement learning is well known among researchers in the areas of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It refers to a type of algorithms which are designed to solve a task by maximizing some kind of reward. In a simplified way, we could say that a typical reinforcement learning algorithm works as follows: our […]

The rhythm of my nerves

The rhythm of my nerves


By Isabel de la Fuente

Despite the large variety of musical tastes, we all tend to like or dislike certain combinations of sounds. This perception goes down to a basic level when two or more notes play simultaneously, such as in musical chords. A chord is called consonant when it is perceived as pleasant to our ears and dissonant when […]