Category archives: Quantum physics

The complementarity principle

The complementarity principle

PhysicsQuantum physics


Quantum mechanics was founded upon the existence of the wave–particle dualism of light and matter, and the enormous success of quantum mechanics, including the probability interpretation, seems to reinforce the importance of this dualism. But how can a particle be thought of as “really” having wave properties? And how can a wave be thought of […]

The loophole-free quantum entanglement experiment (2): The locality loophole

The loophole-free quantum entanglement experiment (2): The locality loophole

PhysicsQuantum physics

By Daniel Manzano

In our previous post, we have discussed the importance of a loophole-free entanglement experiment. Now, we are going to discuss one of the most important loopholes for this kind of experiments, the locality (or communication) loophole . To understand the locality loophole we need to review the Bell’s inequalities experiments one more time. Alice and […]

The loophole-free quantum entanglement experiment (1): Bell’s Theorem.

The loophole-free quantum entanglement experiment (1): Bell’s Theorem.

PhysicsQuantum physics

By Daniel Manzano

Recently, a new experiment has attracted a lot of attention. It was published in Nature and entitled as “Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres ” . Many scientific and non-scientific media took account of the results of the experiment and published short news with fancy titles as Quantum ‘spookiness’ passes […]

Shrinking plasmonic nanomatryoshkas

Shrinking plasmonic nanomatryoshkas

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


We know that incident light can provoke a strong optical response in metallic nanostructures due to the excitation of resonant plasmonic modes, i.e, the electrons in the metal become excited by the photons in the incident light and oscillate collectively. One of the most interesting properties of plasmon resonances is their associated enhancement and confinement […]

Quantum Physics + Genetic Engineering = Enhanced Energy Transport

Quantum Physics + Genetic Engineering = Enhanced Energy Transport

BiologyGeneticsQuantum physics

By Daniel Manzano

A hot topic of research nowadays is the energy transfer in quantum systems. One important reason for this interest is the famous 2007 experiment that suggests quantum effects in the dynamics of the photosynthetic complex FMO, from the green sulfur bacteria . This complex plays a crucial role in natural photosynthesis transferring an excitation from […]

Visualizing charge oscillations on a metal surface

Visualizing charge oscillations on a metal surface

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


With “many-body problem” we usually make reference to one that is very difficult to obtain exact solutions for, because the system involves interactions between more than two bodies. This kind of problem appears both in classical and quantum systems. In order to understand the physics of many-body systems, it is necessary to make use of […]

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The field of electronic transport through nanometer-scale systems, such as molecular junctions or atomic wires, has been an extremely active area during the last decades. The effect that the development of a post-silicon era might have on our daily lives, together with the existence of a number of extremely interesting scientific and technological open questions […]

Identifying the bottlenecks for improving quantum-dot based devices

Identifying the bottlenecks for improving quantum-dot based devices

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


Minimizing losses in any kind of electronic device is always important, but it is paramount in nanoelectronics. Still, most of the phenomena that lead to inefficiencies in the operation of these nanodevices are poorly understood. Consider the case of quantum dots. A quantum dot is a nanometric crystalline structure of semiconductor materials. In a quantum […]