Search results: ageing

A lifetime of mental illness accelerates ageing

A lifetime of mental illness accelerates ageing


By Rosa García-Verdugo

Mental illness is associated with accelerated ageing, namely with shorter life span and ageing-related diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems, with worse effects observed in men than women (the average lifespan for men having suffered from mental illness is 10 years shorter than for peers without those issues, for women the difference is seven […]

Gene editing could help reverse fast ageing in progeria

Gene editing could help reverse fast ageing in progeria


By Rosa García-Verdugo

Gene editing could be the solution to progeria, a genetic disease, characterized by extremely fast ageing. Progeria causes fast ageing and premature death in people carrying a single-point mutation in the LMNA gene, which basically leads to the production of a toxic protein which slowly damages the cells, ageing the bodies. This simple misspelling of […]

TRAF6 functions as a tumor suppressor in myeloid malignancies

TRAF6 functions as a tumor suppressor in myeloid malignancies


By Invited Researcher

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) accumulate somatic mutations during ageing in healthy individuals . Despite most of these mutations are inconsequential, some HSC can acquire specific mutations providing a competitive advantage leading to a process known as “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminant potential” (CHIP) . The most common CHIP mutations affects to DNMT3A and TET2 genes and […]

Stopping jumping genes could increase lifespan, at least in worms

Stopping jumping genes could increase lifespan, at least in worms


By Rosa García-Verdugo

Roundworms are the most commonly used animal model to investigate aging and methods to increase the lifespan such as intermittent fasting. Latest research indicates that jumping genes could be another target for interventions aiming towards expanding the lifespan. What are jumping genes? Also called transposons, are movable stretches of DNA of possible viral origin that […]




By Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias

Inside the cells of breathing organisms –microorganisms, fungi, plants and animals– a cyclically configured sequence of chemical reactions transfers the energy provided by the organic substances –based on carbon chains– incorporated in the food into ATP molecules. This process, which we call the Krebs cycle, starts with acetyl coenzyme A (or acetyl-CoA), a derivative of […]

A new approach to covariate shift adaptation

A new approach to covariate shift adaptation

Computer scienceMathematicsRobotics


In probability theory and statistics, a collection of random variables is independent and identically distributed (iid) if each random variable has the same probability distribution as the others and all are mutually independent. Most supervised machine learning methods assume that training and testing or production samples are drawn iid from the same underlying distribution. But […]