MI weekly selection #30

Habitable planet

Clouds protect habitable planets from star’s heat

According to a recent study that developed a 3D model to explore how clouds affect temperatures on exoplanets, the number of habitable worlds could be double the amount previously thought. The study found that as many as 60 billion exoplanets fall within a habitable zone around their star and planets closely orbiting smaller stars benefit from thick clouds that protect their surface from reaching deadly temperatures.

Los Angeles Times / Science Now

Temperature-Sensing Fat Cells

Researchers discover that unlike brown fat cells, white fat cells can directly sense cooling temperatures to switch on genes that control heat production.

The Scientist

Ultrasound from moth’s genitals blocks bat radar

Hawkmoths produce sonic pulses from their genitals in response to high-frequency sounds from bats.


Bengalis show genetic resistance to cholera, arsenic

People in Bangladesh who live in the Ganges Delta developed a genetic resistance to cholera and arsenic over the last 5,000 to 30,000 years to protect against the disease and toxin, according to research. Studying these protective genes could lead to the development of longer-lasting, more effective vaccines.

The New York Times

Miniature pyramids of Sudan

Archaeologists excavating on the banks of the Nile have uncovered a necropolis where hundreds of small pyramids once stood.


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