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Direct imaging of a cosmic filament connecting two quasar-host galaxies

Direct imaging of a cosmic filament connecting two quasar-host galaxies

AstrophysicsDIPC Astrophysics


In the vast expanse of the universe, galaxies are not isolated islands but are interconnected through a vast network known as the “cosmic web.” This intricate structure, composed of dark matter and gas, forms the backbone of the cosmos, guiding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Recent advancements have allowed astronomers to capture a high-definition […]

What happens in the brain when there’s a word ‘on the tip of the tongue’?

What happens in the brain when there’s a word ‘on the tip of the tongue’?


By Invited Researcher

Author: Frédéric Bernard, associate professor in neuropsychology, Université de Strasbourg We’ve all experienced it: you’re in the middle of a conversation, searching for a word, a name, or a title, and… nothing. You know you know it–you can almost feel it–but it just won’t come. This phenomenon, known as having a word “on the tip […]

Synthetic 2D graphene oxide nanosheets from commercial carbon fibres

Synthetic 2D graphene oxide nanosheets from commercial carbon fibres


By Mapping Ignorance

A team of researchers has developed a reproducible and scalable method for producing graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets from commercial carbon fibres, marking a breakthrough in sustainable nanomaterial synthesis. The process involves exfoliating carbon fibres with nitric acid, which provides high yields of one-atom-thick sheets of graphene oxide with characteristics comparable to commercial GO sourced from […]

MI weekly selection #592

MI weekly selection #592

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

How did the brain of Vesuvius victim turn into glass? A victim of the Vesuvius volcano eruption in 79 CE experienced a unique condition when his brain turned into glass. Researchers determined that the brain was subjected to temperatures over 510 degrees Celsius, followed by rapid cooling that kept “the ultra-fine neural structure of the […]

Superconductivity in twisted graphene multilayers

Superconductivity in twisted graphene multilayers

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Superconductivity, the phenomenon where electrical current flows without resistance, has long captivated scientists and engineers. This unique state of matter holds promise for revolutionizing technologies, from power grids to magnetic levitation. A recent study delves into the intriguing world of graphene-based superconductors, shedding light on how twisting multiple layers of graphene can influence their superconducting […]

Towards a fully functional topological quantum computer

Towards a fully functional topological quantum computer

Computer scienceQuantum physics

By Mapping Ignorance

In a leap forward for quantum computing, a Microsoft team led by UC Santa Barbara physicists on Wednesday unveiled an eight-qubit topological quantum processor, the first of its kind. The chip, built as a proof-of-concept for the scientists’ design, opens the door to the development of the long-awaited topological quantum computer. “We’ve got a bunch […]

MI weekly selection #591

MI weekly selection #591

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Orchids deploy parasitism to boost growth New research on the orchid species Oreorchis patens reveals that these plants can switch to parasitism by extracting nutrients from fungi near decomposing wood, without abandoning photosynthesis. This dual strategy allows the orchids to grow larger and produce more flowers. Full Story: Popular Science Permafrost thaw alters size of […]