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New paradigm for the design of nonlinear nanoscale optical devices

New paradigm for the design of nonlinear nanoscale optical devices



Modern technologies enable the design and nanofabrication of photonic devices for manipulation of optical fields on spatial scales much smaller than the wavelength of light. In particular, the resonant coupling of photons with collective electronic excitations in metals and two-dimensional materials, i.e., plasmons, can be used to engineer strongly enhanced near fields confined to the […]

Super strong magnetic field detected in nuclear matter

Super strong magnetic field detected in nuclear matter

Particle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

A new analysis by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, provides the first direct evidence of the imprint left by what may be the universe’s most powerful magnetic fields on “deconfined” nuclear matter . The evidence comes from […]

Stopping jumping genes could increase lifespan, at least in worms

Stopping jumping genes could increase lifespan, at least in worms


By Rosa García-Verdugo

Roundworms are the most commonly used animal model to investigate aging and methods to increase the lifespan such as intermittent fasting. Latest research indicates that jumping genes could be another target for interventions aiming towards expanding the lifespan. What are jumping genes? Also called transposons, are movable stretches of DNA of possible viral origin that […]

MI weekly selection #548

MI weekly selection #548

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Dinosaur species may have crossed sea to find Africa Fossils in Morocco reveal a previously unknown duckbill dinosaur species, Minqaria bata, which is anatomically similar enough to duckbill species found in Europe to suggest that the pony-size creatures swam or floated across the Tethys Sea and diversified quickly into at least three species in North […]

Parallelization of multipacting simulation codes

Parallelization of multipacting simulation codes

DIPC Particle PhysicsDIPC Supercomputing


Progress in particle physics has traditionally been achieved by a symbiosis of experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers and model-building. This has led to the current situation of the Standard Model (SM) representing our best knowledge of particle physics, but which leaves a number of open questions to be resolved. These include the composition […]

MI weekly selection #547

MI weekly selection #547

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Stone Age travel story emerges from DNA of “Vittrup Man” Advanced analysis of DNA, teeth and bones of the bog-preserved body of Denmark’s “Vittrup Man” has revealed the individual’s history as well as possible movements and connections between Stone Age cultures. Vittrup Man’s genetics suggest an origin on the Scandinavian Peninsula, where he likely grew […]