Category archives: DIPC Advanced materials

Electronic bonding network and critical temperature in hydrogen-based superconductors

Electronic bonding network and critical temperature in hydrogen-based superconductors

DIPC Advanced materials


The capacity of creating an electronic bonding network between localized units would be key to enhance the critical temperature in hydrogen-based superconductors, according to recent results. The field of hydrogen-based superconductivity has progressed enormously since 1968, when Ashcroft first proposed that pressurized hydrogen may become a high-temperature superconductor due to the high energy of its […]

How the screened Coulomb interaction induces superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene

How the screened Coulomb interaction induces superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Twistology could be the study of unexpected changes or developments in stories or situations, from coups d’état to the fatherhood of Darth Vader. In condensed matter physics there is something similar, although the preferred name is twistronics (from twist and electronics). It is understood as the study of how the angle (the twist) between layers […]

A platform for building tunable terahertz detectors at liquid nitrogen temperatures

A platform for building tunable terahertz detectors at liquid nitrogen temperatures

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Terahertz (THz) radiation is all around us. For example, this page emits blackbody radiation mainly in the THz region (broadly from 0.3 THz to 30 THz). Because terahertz radiation begins at a wavelength of around one millimeter and proceeds into shorter wavelengths, it is sometimes known as the submillimeter band, and its radiation as submillimeter […]

The classical nonlinear mechanics of wrinkles in 2D materials

The classical nonlinear mechanics of wrinkles in 2D materials

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Two-dimensional (2D) materials are extraordinary for two main reasons. One is the set of mechanical properties that makes those materials a versatile playground where multiple modelling objects are possible, from the thinnest membranes with minuscule bending rigidity to very stiff plates, all with very reproducible parameters. The other reason is that both the electronic and […]

New physics: the anomalous high-temperature superconductivity of yttrium hydride

New physics: the anomalous high-temperature superconductivity of yttrium hydride

DIPC Advanced materials


The standard explanation of superconductivity goes more or less like this. Electrical resistance is due to collisions of the electrons (whether treated as particles or waves) with impurities, imperfections, and especially the lattice vibrations of the metal crystal. The lattice vibrations of the solid will decrease as the temperature falls, because the entropy, which represents […]

Topological longitudinal circular photogalvanic effect in a chiral semimetal

Topological longitudinal circular photogalvanic effect in a chiral semimetal

DIPC Advanced materials


The absence of mirror symmetry, or chirality, is behind striking natural phenomena found in systems as diverse as DNA and crystalline solids. A remarkable example occurs when chiral semimetals with topologically protected band degeneracies are illuminated with circularly polarized light. In circularly polarized light, the tip of the electric vector describes a circular helix about […]

Pyrite CoS<sub>2</sub> is shown to be a magnetic Weyl semimetal

Pyrite CoS2 is shown to be a magnetic Weyl semimetal

DIPC Advanced materials


Back in 1929, theoretical physicist Hermann Weyl predicted the existence of a new elementary particle with intriguing properties. Specifically, it would be massless (like a photon), have half-integer spin (like an electron) and exist in two mirror-image versions (like left- and right-handed gloves)—a property known as chirality. Imagine there exist a material in which an […]