Category archives: Sociology

Online harassment toward women

Online harassment toward women


By Invited Researcher

Author: Martha R. Villabona works at Subdirección General de Cooperación Territorial e Innovación Educativa of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, where she coordinates the area of multiple literacies. The seemingly unlimited possibilities of citizen participation in social networks are affected by the polarization of debate, the aggressive style of communication and the […]

Fake news: the third-person effect

Fake news: the third-person effect


By Invited Researcher

The third person effect phenomenon was described by Davidson in 1983 . People tend to think that media influence other people more than themselves. This self reinforcement is a key mechanism to understand the different effects caused by the media on their audience, since people are motivated to maintain a positive image of themselves by […]

How can we improve the communication between mathematics and life sciences?

How can we improve the communication between mathematics and life sciences?


By Pablo Rodríguez Sánchez

Preamble In the period 2015-2019, I was hired as a mathematician by a biology department in order to perform a research that eventually would become my doctoral thesis. This text is adapted from the last chapter of that thesis, “Cycles and interactions: A mathematician among biologists” (full text available here ). The symbiosis between mathematics […]

Newspaper headlines influence online news search and engagement

Newspaper headlines influence online news search and engagement


By Invited Researcher

Author: Martha Villabona works at Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa (CNIIE) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, where she coordinates the area of multiple literacies. In the digital world, news are multiplying and causing readers to only choose those headlines that most interest them. This does not happen randomly or […]

Conspiracy theories: how belief is rooted in evolution – not ignorance

Conspiracy theories: how belief is rooted in evolution – not ignorance


By Invited Researcher

Despite creative efforts to tackle it, belief in conspiracy theories, alternative facts and fake news show no sign of abating. This is clearly a huge problem, as seen when it comes to climate change, vaccines and expertise in general – with anti-scientific attitudes increasingly influencing politics. So why can’t we stop such views from spreading? […]

Why is climate change denied?

Why is climate change denied?


By Invited Researcher

Scientific disinformation about climate change is having a great impact especially in countries like the United States (USA). Misinformation about this topic and about scientific issues in general, not only confuses the population and discredits scientific findings but also paralyzes evidence-based policies. Farrell et al (2019) provide a series of examples and strategies that can […]