Category archives: Cosmology

Does the universe really behave the same way everywhere?

Does the universe really behave the same way everywhere?


By César Tomé

A new study presents a methodology to test the assumption of cosmic homogeneity and isotropy, known as the Cosmological Principle, by leveraging weak gravitational lensing—a light distortion effect described by general relativity—in astronomical images collected by new observatories such as the Euclid Space Telescope. Finding evidence of anomalies in the Cosmological Principle could have profound […]

A boson travelling slower than escape velocities of stars and galaxies

A boson travelling slower than escape velocities of stars and galaxies

AstrophysicsCosmologyDIPC Particle Physics


The emergence of detector technologies with sensitivity to lower energies and improved resolution invites a shift of emphasis in particle-decay searches for massive neutral bosons: the kinematic limit of these reactions remains an unexplored realm where cosmologically-relevant particles may be waiting to be discovered. A case that illustrate this is the charged lepton flavour violating […]

Is new physics needed to explain the early galaxy problem?

Is new physics needed to explain the early galaxy problem?


By Invited Researcher

early galaxy problem Author: Rajendra Gupta, Adjunct professor, Physics, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa Early universe observations by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) cannot be explained by current cosmological models. These models estimate the universe to be 13.8 billion years in age, based on the big-bang expanding universe concept. My research proposes a model that […]

Galaxies from the early Universe are more like our own Milky Way than previously thought

Galaxies from the early Universe are more like our own Milky Way than previously thought


By César Tomé

Galaxies from the early Universe are more like our own Milky Way than previously thought, flipping the entire narrative of how scientists think about structure formation in the Universe. Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of researchers has discovered that galaxies like our own Milky Way dominate throughout the universe and […]

Unprecedented sensitivity in an experimental setup for dark photons

Unprecedented sensitivity in an experimental setup for dark photons

CosmologyParticle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

Scientists working on the Dark SRF experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have demonstrated unprecedented sensitivity in an experimental setup used to search for theorized particles called dark photons. Researchers trapped ordinary, massless photons in devices called superconducting radio frequency cavities to look for the transition of those photons into […]

Refsdal measurement of the Universe’s expansion rate

Refsdal measurement of the Universe’s expansion rate


By César Tomé

Thanks to data from a magnified, multiply imaged supernova, a team of researchers has successfully used a first-of-its-kind technique based on the Refsdal method to measure the expansion rate of the Universe. Their data provide insight into a longstanding debate in the field and could help scientists more accurately determine the Universe’s age and better […]

The origin of the <i>lensing is low</i> problem

The origin of the lensing is low problem

AstrophysicsCosmologyDIPC Computational Cosmology


Recent studies have revealed that the bending of light around massive galaxies is significantly smaller relative to theoretical expectations. This finding, the so-called lensing is low problem, has been interpreted as a breakdown of our cosmological model. Now, a team of scientists has found that the mismatch between theory and observations is actually caused by […]