Category archives: Neuroscience

Selenium supplement to reverse neurogenic decline in humans?

Selenium supplement to reverse neurogenic decline in humans?


By Invited Researcher

Author: José R. Pineda got his Ph.D. from University of Barcelona in 2006. Since 2007 he has worked for Institut Curie and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. Currently he is a researcher of the UPV/EHU. He investigates the role of stem cells in physiologic and pathologic conditions. Neurogenesis is a process in […]

Proteins can also act as brain messengers

Proteins can also act as brain messengers

Molecular biologyNeuroscience

By Rosa García-Verdugo

Brain cells communicate through neurotransmitters like glutamate or dopamine, the substances we got used to reading about when learning about brain function. However, it seems this is not the only way neurons can communicate. A new study suggests that certain proteins can act as brain messengers in the brain. Previously, only pathological proteins like tau […]

AI can predict Alzheimer’s risk from brain scans

AI can predict Alzheimer’s risk from brain scans

Computer scienceNeurobiologyNeuroscience

By Rosa García-Verdugo

Since humans are not very good at predicting the future, even if the help of a magic ball, scientists have developed a new system based on artificial intelligence to help us predict the future risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease by analysing certain parameters in brain scans. The research, recently published in the journal Diagnostics […]

Mapping how the 100 billion cells in the brain all fit together is the brave new world of neuroscience

Mapping how the 100 billion cells in the brain all fit together is the brave new world of neuroscience


By Invited Researcher

The brain plays an essential role in how people navigate the world by generating both thought and behavior. Despite being one of the most vital organs of life, it takes up only 2% of human body volume. How can something so small perform such complex tasks? Luckily, modern tools like brain mapping have allowed neuroscientists […]

Increased density of synapses in autism spectrum disorders

Increased density of synapses in autism spectrum disorders


By José Ramón Alonso

At a synapse, the plasma membrane of the neuron transmitting the information (the presynaptic neuron) is in close proximity to the membrane of the target cell (postsynaptic) and the two are separated by a space known as the synaptic cleft. Both the presynaptic and postsynaptic sites contain extensive assemblies of molecular machinery that link the […]