Category archives: Physics

Vortices and skyrmions in water surfaces

Vortices and skyrmions in water surfaces

DIPC Quantum SystemsPhysics


Numerous physical systems—from classical electromagnetic fields to quantum particle fields—exhibit oscillating wave behavior. Specific settings exist, both in nature and in artificial systems, where these waves form patterns with holes, loops, and other distinct topological characteristics, often referred to as topological wave structures. Now, a team of researchers describes how these structures, which have previously […]

Parallel-channel nanocryotrons in magnetic fields

Parallel-channel nanocryotrons in magnetic fields

Condensed matterNanotechnologyParticle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

Superconductors can carry large electrical currents without any resistance. One situation where they don’t carry currents without resistance is when there is too much current. By designing microscopic electronic components made from very thin superconductors, researchers can use this effect to create a switch, like a transistor. Nanowire superconducting switching devices (called nanocryotrons, or nTrons […]

Searching for the decay of nature’s rarest isotope: Tantalum-180m

Searching for the decay of nature’s rarest isotope: Tantalum-180m

Particle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

Tantalum is one of the rarest elements and has multiple stable isotopes. The least abundant tantalum isotope, Ta-180 is found naturally in a long-lived excited state, a feature unique to this isotope. In excited states, a nuclei’s protons or neutrons have higher than normal energy levels. Although energetically possible, the radioactive decay of this excited […]

Atomic force images beyond the fundamental limit

Atomic force images beyond the fundamental limit

Computer scienceMaterialsPhysics

By César Tomé

Atomic force microscopy, or AFM, is a widely used technique that can quantitatively map material surfaces in three dimensions, but its accuracy is limited by the size of the microscope’s probe. A new AI technique overcomes this limitation and allows microscopes to resolve material features smaller than the probe’s tip. A new deep learning algorithm […]

Super strong magnetic field detected in nuclear matter

Super strong magnetic field detected in nuclear matter

Particle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

A new analysis by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, provides the first direct evidence of the imprint left by what may be the universe’s most powerful magnetic fields on “deconfined” nuclear matter . The evidence comes from […]

Electron-cyclotron plasma generation and spectrum characterization

Electron-cyclotron plasma generation and spectrum characterization


By Invited Researcher

Ernest Lawrence was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in November 1939 “for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it, especially with regard to artificial radioactive elements”. His invention was based on generating a spiral accelerated trajectory of protons governed by a simple alternating radio frequency voltage together with […]