Category archives: Quantum physics

Towards a fully functional topological quantum computer

Towards a fully functional topological quantum computer

Computer scienceQuantum physics

By Mapping Ignorance

In a leap forward for quantum computing, a Microsoft team led by UC Santa Barbara physicists on Wednesday unveiled an eight-qubit topological quantum processor, the first of its kind. The chip, built as a proof-of-concept for the scientists’ design, opens the door to the development of the long-awaited topological quantum computer. “We’ve got a bunch […]

The equivalence of entropic uncertainty with wave-particle duality

The equivalence of entropic uncertainty with wave-particle duality

Quantum physics

By Mapping Ignorance

Researchers have confirmed a theory that proposes a connection between the complementarity principle and entropic uncertainty. “Our results have no clear or direct application right now. It’s basic research that lays the foundation for future technologies in quantum information and quantum computers. There’s enormous potential for completely new discoveries in many different research fields,” says […]

All-optical nonlinear Compton scattering using a ultrahigh intensity laser pulse

All-optical nonlinear Compton scattering using a ultrahigh intensity laser pulse

AstrophysicsPhysicsQuantum physics

By Mapping Ignorance

A team of researchers has successfully demonstrated nonlinear Compton scattering (NCS) between an ultra-relativistic electron beam and an ultrahigh intensity laser pulse using the 4-Petawatt laser at the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS) within the Institute for Basic Science at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea. The innovation is the use of […]

Quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories

Quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories

Condensed matterDIPC Quantum SystemsQuantum physics


A gauge theory is any number of quantum field theories put forward to explain fundamental interactions. In these theories the interactions between particles can be explained by the exchange of particles such as gluons, photons, and W and Z bosons. A gauge theory involves a symmetry group for the fields and potentials (the gauge group) […]

Inducing an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling at a hybrid metal–organic interface

Inducing an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling at a hybrid metal–organic interface

Condensed matterDIPC InterfacesMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics


Molecular spintronics is an emerging field that combines ferromagnetic materials with organic or metal–organic semiconductors. It benefits from the unique and exceptional properties of organic molecules, which go beyond inorganic ones. The strong response of many organic molecules to electrical, optical, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic stimuli bring new potential functionalities to the spintronic device. An effective […]

A Topological Phonon Database has been built

A Topological Phonon Database has been built

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsQuantum physics


The discovery of materials with topologically nontrivial electronic bands has led to high-throughput computational efforts that uncovered such bands in most known inorganic crystalline materials. Thus, in 2017, a team of researchers presented what they called Topological Quantum Chemistry (TQC), a new and complete understanding of the structure of bands in a material that links […]

Parity-time symmetry for faster and stronger optical signal processing

Parity-time symmetry for faster and stronger optical signal processing

Condensed matterQuantum physics

By César Tomé

In the era of big data, signal processing faces significant challenges in terms of capacity and energy consumption due to the torrent of data to process. With over 90% of data transmitted through light, optical signal processing may offer unprecedented speed and energy efficiency compared to its electronic counterparts, as it operates without the need […]

Quantum entanglement among quarks

Quantum entanglement among quarks

Computer scienceParticle physicsQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Collisions of high energy particles produce “jets” – quarks, antiquarks, or gluons moving through the quantum vacuum. Due to the confinement property of strong interactions, quarks are never directly detected but instead fragment into many secondary particles. Scientists have long expected that as jets propagate through the confining quantum vacuum, they will modify that vacuum […]

Ultrasensitive molecular sensing with surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)

Ultrasensitive molecular sensing with surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Sensors are essential tools for detecting and analysing trace molecules in a variety of fields, including environmental monitoring, food safety, and public health. However, developing sensors with high enough sensitivity to detect these tiny amounts of molecules remains a challenge. One promising approach is surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA), which uses plasmonic nanostructures to amplify the […]

Counting single proteins with a superconducting nanowire 

Counting single proteins with a superconducting nanowire 

NanotechnologyQuantum physics

By César Tomé

The detection, identification, and analysis of macromolecules is needed in many areas of life sciences, including protein research, diagnostics, and analytics. Mass spectrometry is often used as a detection system for proteins – a method that typically separates charged particles (ions) according to their mass-to-charge-ratio and measures the intensity of the signals generated by a […]