Author archives: DIPC

Different surface structures affect catalytic activity of silver

Different surface structures affect catalytic activity of silver

CatalysisChemistryDIPC Interfaces


Catalysis in industry is often driven by empirical investigations and, eventually, by unexpected discoveries. Frequently, the scientific understanding of the process takes much longer to develop. Ideally, it would be preferable to reverse this timeline, where scientific insights precede application. Nonetheless, even when the scientific explanation takes more time, a deep understanding of the underlying […]

AINU, a powerful AI tool for studying cell heterogeneity

AINU, a powerful AI tool for studying cell heterogeneity

BiologyComputer scienceDIPC SupercomputingGenetics


Chromatin is a complex of DNA and histone, a protein, in the nucleus of a cell. One of the main functions of chromatin is to help DNA packing. Cellular phenotypic heterogeneity is a key determinant of many biological functions; yet, it is still not clear whether it stems from the modifications of the chromatin structure […]

Inducing an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling at a hybrid metal–organic interface

Inducing an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling at a hybrid metal–organic interface

Condensed matterDIPC InterfacesMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics


Molecular spintronics is an emerging field that combines ferromagnetic materials with organic or metal–organic semiconductors. It benefits from the unique and exceptional properties of organic molecules, which go beyond inorganic ones. The strong response of many organic molecules to electrical, optical, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic stimuli bring new potential functionalities to the spintronic device. An effective […]

Oscillatory hydrodynamics in DNA-coated gold nanoparticles

Oscillatory hydrodynamics in DNA-coated gold nanoparticles

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Periodic responses to nonperiodic energy inputs, such as oscillations, are hallmarks of living systems. Researchers have devoted considerable efforts to understanding and mimicking natural self-assembled structures and functions to systems composed of nonbiological components. This has rendered remarkable developments in regulating interparticle interactions to form static and dynamic self-assemblies. Dynamic assemblies can, under suitable stimuli […]

Dissipated heat into electrical energy using the thermoelectricity of concrete

Dissipated heat into electrical energy using the thermoelectricity of concrete

ChemistryDIPC Advanced materials


Adopting a more sustainable energy portfolio is imperative to address and alleviate the impacts of climate change. A key process is energy harvesting versus energy “production”. In this vein, a potentially viable approach involves the conversion of dissipated heat into electrical energy via the use of thermoelectricity. This method has the potential to contribute significantly […]

Dusty star-forming galaxies can trace cosmic overdensities

Dusty star-forming galaxies can trace cosmic overdensities

DIPC AstrophysicsDIPC Computational Cosmology


The evolution of the cosmic star formation rate density paints a dynamic picture of galaxy evolution, with rapid stellar build-up at redshifts above 2, followed by a stark drop in SFRs of galaxies towards the present day. The origins of this down-turn are likely due to a mixture of feedback processes, broadly categorized as caused […]

The morphogenetic mechanism of different biomorphs is independent of pH

The morphogenetic mechanism of different biomorphs is independent of pH

ChemistryDIPC Advanced materialsDIPC Interfaces


The bottom-up design of hierarchically organized nanostructures is a powerful strategy to achieve new materials with innovative functionalities. To a large extent, this approach takes inspiration from the ability of living organisms to engineer hybrid nanocomposites both for structural and functional purposes. Intense research has been dedicated to synthesizing biologically inspired textures and shapes mimicking […]

New design boosts performance in radical-based OLEDs

New design boosts performance in radical-based OLEDs

ChemistryDIPC Computational and Theoretical Chemistry


The development of luminescent organic radicals has resulted in materials with excellent optical properties for near-infrared (NIR) emission, like organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Light generation in this range could be used for healthcare diagnosis and treatment to surveillance, communications and other security applications. Although an external quantum efficiency greater than 20% in electroluminescence has been […]

Increasing superconducting critical temperature by enhancing electron-phonon coupling

Increasing superconducting critical temperature by enhancing electron-phonon coupling

DIPC Advanced materials


Topology has been at the forefront of condensed matter physics for the past two decades, influencing our understanding of quantum materials and phenomena. More recently, it has however become clear that a more general concept, that of quantum geometry, manifests itself in a series of quantum phenomena involving flat electronic bands. In condensed matter physics […]