Author archives: DIPC

Charge transfer and symmetry affect π-magnetic nanostructures

Charge transfer and symmetry affect π-magnetic nanostructures

DIPC Electronic PropertiesDIPC Interfaces


Whenever an electric current flows a magnetic field is produced; as the orbital motion and the spin of atomic electrons are equivalent to tiny current loops, individual atoms create magnetic fields around them, when their orbital electrons have a net magnetic moment as a result of their angular momentum. The magnetic moment of an atom […]

Simple explanations for some complex patterns in twisted bilayer graphene

Simple explanations for some complex patterns in twisted bilayer graphene

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Twisted bilayer and multilayer systems represent two-dimensional materials, where atom-thick layers of the same or different materials are superimposed and rotated by an arbitrary twist angle. Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) represents arguably the most prominent physical system of this kind, the bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) the other. The effect of twisting two periodic […]

New paradigm for the design of nonlinear nanoscale optical devices

New paradigm for the design of nonlinear nanoscale optical devices



Modern technologies enable the design and nanofabrication of photonic devices for manipulation of optical fields on spatial scales much smaller than the wavelength of light. In particular, the resonant coupling of photons with collective electronic excitations in metals and two-dimensional materials, i.e., plasmons, can be used to engineer strongly enhanced near fields confined to the […]

Parallelization of multipacting simulation codes

Parallelization of multipacting simulation codes

DIPC Particle PhysicsDIPC Supercomputing


Progress in particle physics has traditionally been achieved by a symbiosis of experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers and model-building. This has led to the current situation of the Standard Model (SM) representing our best knowledge of particle physics, but which leaves a number of open questions to be resolved. These include the composition […]

The stabilizing effect of a binder for transition metal oxides to sustain water oxidation in acidic environments

The stabilizing effect of a binder for transition metal oxides to sustain water oxidation in acidic environments

CatalysisChemistryDIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Global energy demand is expected to rise around 30% by 2040 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Hydrogen (H2) produced by the electrolysis of water, using renewable electricity, the so-called green hydrogen, has emerged as a promising energy vector to respond to this increasing energy demand with the potential to decarbonize transportation, heating, and […]

Efficient on-surface Ullmann-like reaction on poorly reactive surfaces

Efficient on-surface Ullmann-like reaction on poorly reactive surfaces

ChemistryDIPC Electronic PropertiesDIPC Interfaces


The way a particular reaction proceeds, described in terms of the steps involved, is called mechanism. The study of organic chemistry is, to a great extent, the study of reaction mechanisms and textbooks content both their description and their applications. But something has come to revolutionize the world of mechanisms: surface chemistry. On-surface synthesis is […]

Epitaxial films of a transition metal dihalide grown on gold

Epitaxial films of a transition metal dihalide grown on gold

DIPC Electronic PropertiesDIPC Interfaces


Magnetic two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors have attracted a lot of attention because modern preparation techniques are capable of providing single crystal films of these materials with precise control of thickness down to the single-layer limit. It opens up a way to study a rich variety of electronic and magnetic phenomena with promising routes towards potential applications […]

First neutrinoless double beta decay search with a NEXT detector

First neutrinoless double beta decay search with a NEXT detector

DIPC Particle PhysicsParticle physics


Deep below the Spanish side of the Pyrenees, we find the LSC (Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc – Canfranc Underground Laboratory), where the NEXT experiment is taking place. Its goal is one of the remaining holy grails of particle physics: the proof that the neutrino is its own antiparticle, a result with profound meaning not only […]

MitoEM challenge remains open

MitoEM challenge remains open

DIPC Computer Science


Mitochondria are the primary energy providers for cell activities. The quantification of the size and geometry of mitochondria is crucial to basic neuroscience research, as it contributes to the identification of neuron types. This quantification is also informative to clinical studies where energy-usage unbalances are implied, like bipolar disorder or diabetes. High-resolution imaging technologies like […]