Category archives: DIPC Advanced materials

The enigmatic charge order of kagome (Cs,Rb)V<sub>3</sub>Sb<sub>5</sub>

The enigmatic charge order of kagome (Cs,Rb)V3Sb5

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


The intricate relationship between lattice geometry and topological electronic behaviour determines the ground state properties of materials. The non-trivial band topology of the kagome lattice – it consists of the vertices and edges of the trihexagonal tiling – is being extensively explored as candidates to engineer Dirac fermions, topological flat bands, magnetic Weyl semimetals or […]

Highly efficient, durable, and economically competitive hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst

Highly efficient, durable, and economically competitive hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst

CatalysisChemistryDIPC Advanced materials


Global energy demand is expected to rise around 30% by 2040 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Hydrogen (H2) produced by the electrolysis of water, using renewable electricity, the so-called green hydrogen, has emerged as a promising energy vector to respond to this increasing energy demand with the potential to decarbonize transportation, heating, and […]

Milestone in the quest for THz magnonic devices working at room temperature

Milestone in the quest for THz magnonic devices working at room temperature

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Magnons or spin waves are elementary quasiparticles, which represent a collective motion of magnetic moments in ordered systems. Spin waves can propagate in materials and therewith transport a spin current. This spin flow requires no electrical charge transport and therefore no electrical losses creating Joule heating. Spin waves enclose a wide frequency range, from gigahertz […]

Emergence of superconductivity in a metallic single-layer by minute electron doping

Emergence of superconductivity in a metallic single-layer by minute electron doping

DIPC Advanced materialsDIPC Interfaces


The isolation and manipulation of atomically-thin crystals have recently enabled the investigation of a wealth of exotic electronic phenomena. A remarkable example is the case of superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers, where the strong spin-orbit coupling, together with the lack of inversion symmetry, triggers the emergence of unconventional superconducting properties. In parallel to the […]

Engineering high Chern number materials

Engineering high Chern number materials

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Some materials have special universal properties protected against perturbations. Such properties are theoretically described by topology, a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of geometrical objects that are unchanged by continuous deformations. So-called topological insulators are electronic materials that have a bulk band gap like an ordinary insulator but have conducting states on their […]

Tunneling electrons excite a superconducting pair-breaking transition in the presence of magnetic impurities

Tunneling electrons excite a superconducting pair-breaking transition in the presence of magnetic impurities

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterialsQuantum physics


The development of superconducting devices was greatly stimulated after the acceptance of the basic theory of superconductivity proposed in 1957 by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and Robert Schrieffer – BCS theory. The basic idea is that the electron waves in the superconducting state no longer act independently, as in Bloch’s model. Instead, they are paired […]

Substrate dependency of the charge density wave orders of monolayer VSe<sub>2</sub>

Substrate dependency of the charge density wave orders of monolayer VSe2

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Two-dimensional (2D) materials are an ideal platform to artificially engineer heterostructures with new functionalities due to the weak van der Waals bonding between layers. Monolayers hosting symmetry-broken phases, such as superconductivity, magnetism, ferroelectricity, charge density waves (CDWs), or multiferroicity, represent the most interesting building blocks to design novel phases of matter. One of the main […]

Mermin–Wagner theorem for practical length scales

Mermin–Wagner theorem for practical length scales

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Mermin–Wagner The demand for computational power is increasing exponentially, following the amount of data generated across different devices, applications and cloud platforms. To keep up with this trend, smaller and increasingly energy-efficient devices must be developed, which require the study of compounds not yet explored in data-storage technologies. The discovery of magnetically stable 2D van […]

Engineering the orbital character of the electronic structure of superconducting cuprates

Engineering the orbital character of the electronic structure of superconducting cuprates

DIPC Advanced materials


Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) is a family of crystalline chemical compounds that display high-temperature superconductivity; it includes the first material ever discovered to become superconducting above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K) at about 93 K. This family is known as cuprates as it can be viewed as containing anionic copper complexes […]