Category archives: Chemistry

Identifying the bottlenecks for improving quantum-dot based devices

Identifying the bottlenecks for improving quantum-dot based devices

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


Minimizing losses in any kind of electronic device is always important, but it is paramount in nanoelectronics. Still, most of the phenomena that lead to inefficiencies in the operation of these nanodevices are poorly understood. Consider the case of quantum dots. A quantum dot is a nanometric crystalline structure of semiconductor materials. In a quantum […]

Actinoid oxides, where quantum methods are key to understanding the chemistry

Actinoid oxides, where quantum methods are key to understanding the chemistry

ChemistryCondensed matter


In the standard representation of the periodic table, we find below two separated rows of elements. Their chemistry and electronic configuration belong to a group three element, so what these two separated rows really mean is that in this representation of the table they are all located on top lanthanum and actinium, three-dimensionally building a […]

Opening the systemic avenue from chemistry to biology

Opening the systemic avenue from chemistry to biology


By Invited Researcher

A uthor: Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo, Permanent Researcher, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) Although «cracking the origins-of-life puzzle», regardless of the reputation of the journalist who tells the news, is clearly not within the reach of science quite yet, the article published a few weeks ago by Sutherland and colleagues in the UK , does constitute […]

The beginning of life, uncracked by cyanide?

The beginning of life, uncracked by cyanide?


By Isabel Perez Castro

“In the beginning, there was simplicity” Richard Dawkins, “The selfish gene”, chapter 2 The question of how life began on Earth is as old as the human race and has occupied the thoughts and time of scientists and philosophers for centuries, often causing conflict throughout history. From a scientific point of view, the several possibilities […]