Category archives: Science

MI weekly selection #18

MI weekly selection #18

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

An abrupt and widespread climate shift in the Sahara 5,000 years ago The Sahara Desert’s shift from lush grasslands to barren sands happened quickly and simultaneously across the entire region. Scientists say the brief African Humid Period began and ended suddenly, about 5,000 years ago. MIT news D. McGee, P.B. deMenocal, G. Winckler, J.-B. Stuut […]

How good are neuron models?

How good are neuron models?


By Jorge Mejías

For several decades now, physicists, mathematicians, neurobiologists and other specialists have been joining efforts to build realistic mathematical models of neurons. A typical model consists on one or several differential equations that are able to predict the evolution of the membrane potential of a neuron for a given input. When introduced in a computer, these […]

Epistemology in the courts. Or, Sherlock Holmes is dead, long live to Thomas Bayes.

Epistemology in the courts. Or, Sherlock Holmes is dead, long live to Thomas Bayes.

MathematicsPhilosophy of scienceSociology

By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Strange as it may sound to many people, the fact is that some of the most interesting work on epistemology that is being currently done in Spain is carried out at the headquarters of the Spanish gendarmerie (the well known force called Guardia Civil), in particular, at the Area of Statistics within the corps’ Service […]

MI weekly selection #17

MI weekly selection #17

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

Scientists use 3D printer to create networks of artificial cells Researchers have developed networks of water droplets that can act like biological tissue cells. The researchers created the networks using a three-dimensional printer. The networks can support up to 35,000 droplets and have the potential to be a scaffold for growing synthetic tissues or a […]

Reinforcement learning in the brain

Reinforcement learning in the brain


By Jorge Mejías

The term reinforcement learning is well known among researchers in the areas of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It refers to a type of algorithms which are designed to solve a task by maximizing some kind of reward. In a simplified way, we could say that a typical reinforcement learning algorithm works as follows: our […]

Do I flower now or do I wait a little bit more?

Do I flower now or do I wait a little bit more?


By Daniel Marino

Flowers are the reproductive organs of angiosperms (flowering plants) and flowering is therefore the phenomenon by which the undifferentiated cells from the meristems (similar to animal stem cells) differentiate into a floral meristem that will then produce the different components of the flower (sepals, petals, stamens and carpels). This transition from a plant vegetative to […]