Category archives: Quantum physics

A topological amorphous alloy

A topological amorphous alloy

MaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics

By César Tomé

amorphous Scientists have dedicated their efforts to studying topological materials, focusing on the shape, or topology, of their electronic structures. These materials exhibit unique properties that have the potential to be harnessed for next-generation devices, despite their invisible nature in real space. Initially, it was believed that only crystalline materials, characterized by highly ordered atoms […]

Tunneling electrons excite a superconducting pair-breaking transition in the presence of magnetic impurities

Tunneling electrons excite a superconducting pair-breaking transition in the presence of magnetic impurities

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterialsQuantum physics


The development of superconducting devices was greatly stimulated after the acceptance of the basic theory of superconductivity proposed in 1957 by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and Robert Schrieffer – BCS theory. The basic idea is that the electron waves in the superconducting state no longer act independently, as in Bloch’s model. Instead, they are paired […]

Universal power-law Kibble-Zurek scaling in fast quenches

Universal power-law Kibble-Zurek scaling in fast quenches

DIPC Quantum SystemsPhysicsQuantum physics


Thomas Kibble’s research on phase transitions and topological defects is most significant. Actually, the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) is a paradigmatic theory to describe the dynamics across both classical continuous phase transitions and quantum phase transitions. The Kibble-Zurek mechanism describes the non-equilibrium dynamics and the formation of topological defects in a system which is driven through […]

First real-space images of THz plasmon polaritons

First real-space images of THz plasmon polaritons

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Polaritons attract wide attention due to their ability to confine and guide light at the nanometre scale. These capacities are key for the development of ultrasmall resonators and waveguides that can be used for sensing, heat transfer and optical circuitry applications. But, what are polaritons in the first place? If, for the sake of the […]

Correlated electron-phonon physics in nanotube quantum simulators

Correlated electron-phonon physics in nanotube quantum simulators

DIPC Quantum SystemsQuantum physics


In the search for novel materials, the simulation of quantum matter is an extremely demanding computational task, which is expected to profit substantially from the surge of quantum technologies. Quantum algorithms for programmable quantum computers offer the most flexible approaches, but tailor-made quantum simulators are particularly well suited for large-scale simulations. For instance, tremendous efforts […]

Quantum interference between dissimilar particles

Quantum interference between dissimilar particles

PhysicsQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Nuclear physicists have found a new way to see details inside atomic nuclei . They do so by tracking interactions between photons and gluons—the gluelike particles that hold together the building blocks of protons and neutrons. The method relies on harnessing a new type of quantum interference between two dissimilar particles. Tracking how these entangled […]

Engineering quantum states and electronic landscapes

Engineering quantum states and electronic landscapes

Condensed matterDIPC InterfacesMaterialsQuantum physics


Surfaces are at the frontier of every solid. They provide versatile supports for functional nanostructures and mediate essential physicochemical processes. Intimately related to two-dimensional materials, interfaces and atomically thin films often feature distinct electronic states with respect to the bulk, which is key to many relevant properties, such as catalytic activity, interfacial charge-transfer, and crystal […]

The dawn of the quantum network: quantum interference over 300 km of optical fiber

The dawn of the quantum network: quantum interference over 300 km of optical fiber

Computer scienceCondensed matterPhysicsQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Last year’s Nobel Prize in Physics celebrated the fundamental interest of quantum entanglement, and also envisioned the potential applications in “the second quantum revolution” — a new age when we are able to manipulate the weirdness of quantum mechanics, including quantum superposition and entanglement. A large-scale and fully functional quantum network is the holy grail […]

The implications of ground-state correlations on the integrability of quantum many-body systems

The implications of ground-state correlations on the integrability of quantum many-body systems

DIPC Quantum SystemsQuantum physics


A model of a physical system that can be solved exactly and the dynamics of which are characterized by regular rather than chaotic motion is called an integrable model. Integrable models can occur in Newtonian mechanics and quantum mechanics, with the harmonic oscillator being an example of such a model in both cases. Integrability has […]

Ultraprecise entangled clocks

Ultraprecise entangled clocks

Quantum physics

By César Tomé

For the first time, scientists have entangled atoms for use as networked quantum sensors, specifically, atomic clocks and accelerometers. The research team’s experimental setup yielded ultraprecise measurements of time and acceleration. Compared to a similar setup that does not draw on quantum entanglement, their time measurements were 3.5 times more precise, and acceleration measurements exhibited […]