Article archives

Earworms and chewing gum

Earworms and chewing gum


By José Ramón Alonso

An «earworm» is a tune that arises seemingly spontaneously in the mind and becomes “stuck” in the head for hours or days. It is also called brainworm, musical imagery repetition, involuntary musical imagery, and stuck song syndrome. Sometimes we feel that it is driving us insane hampering a straight thinking and complicating concentration although usually […]

MI weekly selection #151

MI weekly selection #151

Humanities & Social SciencesScienceTechnologyWeekly Selection

By César Tomé

Still trying to make sense of New Horizons’ Pluto data Pluto’s frozen mountain ranges Norgay Montes and Hillary Montes are among many of the dwarf planet’s features described in the first published study of data gathered so far from the close flyby of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft in July. The mission scientists acknowledge they still […]

Do some paranormal beliefs develop from the experience of coincidences?

Do some paranormal beliefs develop from the experience of coincidences?


By Invited Researcher

Why some people believe in ghosts, haunted houses, or telepathy, while others remain skeptical? This question has been present in the scientific literature for decades and still remains unanswered. Research has discarded several candidate causes for this difference, such as deficits in intelligence or lack of reasoning skills . According to our current scientific knowledge […]

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The field of electronic transport through nanometer-scale systems, such as molecular junctions or atomic wires, has been an extremely active area during the last decades. The effect that the development of a post-silicon era might have on our daily lives, together with the existence of a number of extremely interesting scientific and technological open questions […]

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor throughout the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (and 2)

Shortcuts for efficiently moving a quadrotor throughout the Special Euclidean Group SE(3) (and 2)

Computer scienceRobotics

By José Luis Blanco

We devoted the first part of this article to introducing the problem of motion planning for autonomous vehicles at a qualitative level and to briefly describing two of the most commonly-used algorithms, RRT and RRT* . Next, we will continue getting into deeper mathematical details about the topological structure of the state spaces associated to […]

Evidence-based trials: better compared than randomized

Evidence-based trials: better compared than randomized

Philosophy of science

By Jon Gurutz Izquierdo

For quite a while now, it has been assumed that Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have improved the way we acquire knowledge, especially in the scientific area where this technique is the gold standard, clinical practice. From Medicine to Social sciences, evidence-based policies have turned into the widespread common ground from where to seek trustworthy information […]