Category archives: CFM

Unexpected molecular core level shifts in nanoarchitectures

Unexpected molecular core level shifts in nanoarchitectures

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Mimicking natural processes has been a recurrent strategy for the development of new technologies, from velcro to bullet trains. Thanks to the advances in scientific knowledge and technological tools achieved over the last decades, biologically inspired research has evolved from the macroscale to the nanoscale. This poses an interdisciplinary challenge, involving fields such as molecular […]

Towards a bottom-up engineering of molecular spintronic devices

Towards a bottom-up engineering of molecular spintronic devices

ChemistryCondensed matterNanotechnology


During the last decades, the electronics industry has been very successful in pushing forward the advancement of electronic building blocks, but the limit of silicon-based electronic devices especially in terms of miniaturization are almost reached. There are many ideas how to overcome this problem, for example, by adding functionality based on approaches originating from molecular […]

A Kondo effect by manipulating spin chains

A Kondo effect by manipulating spin chains

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


The scattering of conduction electrons in metals owing to impurities with magnetic moments is known as the Kondo effect, after Jun Kondo, who analysed the phenomenon in 1964. This scattering increases the electrical resistance and has the consequence that, in contrast to ordinary metals, the resistance reaches a minimum as the temperature is lowered and […]

Breakdown of the free electron gas concept for electronic stopping

Breakdown of the free electron gas concept for electronic stopping

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


There is a variable that is relevant for such seemingly different fields as outer space exploration , nanotechnology , fusion research , or medicine. And that is electronic stopping, its precise knowledge important for the understanding of space weathering, ion beam patterning, plasma-wall interactions, or radiation therapy, respectively. When ions propagate in matter, they are […]

Validating the existence of a new phase of matter, the exciton condensate

Validating the existence of a new phase of matter, the exciton condensate

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


According to how the electronic band theory is usually explained, solids can be classified as insulators, semiconductors, or metals. But, actually, there is another kind of solid between semiconductors and metals, the semimetals. In insulators and semiconductors the filled valence band is separated from an empty conduction band by a band gap, in metals there […]

A new benchmark for any future models of solid-state photoemission

A new benchmark for any future models of solid-state photoemission

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


In 1882, Heinrich Hertz devoted himself to the study of electromagnetism, including the recent and still generally unappreciated work of Maxwell. Two years later he began his famous series of experiments with electromagnetic waves. During the course of this work, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect, which has had a profound influence on modern physics. The […]

Materials for raising the temperature of the quantized anomalous Hall and magnetoelectric effects

Materials for raising the temperature of the quantized anomalous Hall and magnetoelectric effects

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


Topological insulators are electronic materials that have a bulk band gap like an ordinary insulator but have conducting states on their edge or surface. The conducting surface is not what makes topological insulators unique, but the fact that it is protected due to the combination of spin-orbit interactions and time-reversal symmetry. Researchers are chasing efficient […]