Category archives: DIPC

Black metallic hydrogen due to proton quantum fluctuations

Black metallic hydrogen due to proton quantum fluctuations

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The most famous conjecture in condensed-matter physics was proposed in 1935, when Hillard Huntington and Eugene Wigner calculated the properties of hydrogen squeezed to high density and pressure. They predicted that under pressures above 25 gigapascals (GPa), hydrogen would undergo a density-driven transition from an insulating, molecular solid to a conducting, atomic solid . In […]

A photonic picocavity in action

A photonic picocavity in action

NanotechnologyQuantum physics


Light emission from emitters is a valuable piece of information in a variety of sensing and detection techniques, capable of labeling physical and biological processes which occur in the proximity of the emitter. Furthermore, quantum technologies are currently exploiting the statistics of single-emitters light emission aiming at turning particular emitters into fundamental units to sustain […]

Measuring electron-phonon interaction in multidimensional materials with helium atom scattering

Measuring electron-phonon interaction in multidimensional materials with helium atom scattering

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The discovery of superconductivity in 2D films dates back over 80 years. Initially, these were 2D metallic films deposited on inert substrates, but in recent times more exotic 2D systems have exhibited superconducting properties, such as the surface of topological insulators or twisted bilayer graphene. Superconductivity is caused by the interactions between atomic vibrations (phonons) […]

An accurate and predictive model for the infrared dielectric function of a van der Waals material

An accurate and predictive model for the infrared dielectric function of a van der Waals material

Condensed matterMaterials


Future information and communication technologies will rely on the manipulation of not only electrons but also of light at the nanometer-scale. Squeezing light to such a small size has been a major goal in nanophotonics for many years. Particularly strong light squeezing can be achieved with polaritons, quasiparticles resulting from the strong coupling of photons […]

Chirality can be used to control the sign of a maximal Chern number

Chirality can be used to control the sign of a maximal Chern number

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The magnitude of many of the exotic phenomena predicted for topological semimetals is directly proportional to something called the Chern number. Given the importance of the Chern number magnitude for these phenomena, it is just natural to wonder whether there is an upper limit for it and whether there are real materials in which this […]

How to detect the daughter atom of a neutrinoless double beta decay

How to detect the daughter atom of a neutrinoless double beta decay

ChemistryDIPC BiochemistryDIPC InterfacesDIPC Particle PhysicsMaterialsParticle physics


A new fluorescent bicolour indicator, an organic molecule, could help detect the daughter atom of a neutrinoless double beta decay. If this is achieved, there would be an explanation to the matter-anti matter asymmetry in the universe. Experiments performed in 1909 by Geiger and Marsden, also called Rutherford gold foil experiment because Rutherford was their […]