Category archives: Physics

Does the universe really behave the same way everywhere?

Does the universe really behave the same way everywhere?


By César Tomé

A new study presents a methodology to test the assumption of cosmic homogeneity and isotropy, known as the Cosmological Principle, by leveraging weak gravitational lensing—a light distortion effect described by general relativity—in astronomical images collected by new observatories such as the Euclid Space Telescope. Finding evidence of anomalies in the Cosmological Principle could have profound […]

Transforming university physics education: The challenge of <i>building to learn</i>

Transforming university physics education: The challenge of building to learn


By Invited Researcher

Physics, a cornerstone of engineering and science degrees, often becomes a daunting hurdle for many first-year students. Abstract concepts like Ohm’s Law or Lorentz Force, essential for any student, are frequently perceived as distant and disconnected from real-world applications. This classic challenge (physics courses being among the hardest) plays a significant role in academic failure […]

All-optical nonlinear Compton scattering using a ultrahigh intensity laser pulse

All-optical nonlinear Compton scattering using a ultrahigh intensity laser pulse

AstrophysicsPhysicsQuantum physics

By Mapping Ignorance

A team of researchers has successfully demonstrated nonlinear Compton scattering (NCS) between an ultra-relativistic electron beam and an ultrahigh intensity laser pulse using the 4-Petawatt laser at the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS) within the Institute for Basic Science at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea. The innovation is the use of […]

Increasing effects of global warming found on wildfire dynamics

Increasing effects of global warming found on wildfire dynamics

EconomicsPhysicsPlanetary ScienceSociology

By Mapping Ignorance

Climate change is increasingly influencing fire behaviour worldwide and intensifying fire smoke, endangering public health from air pollution caused by fires. These are the results of two new climate change impact attribution studies, both published in Nature Climate Change, with the involvement of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK. The first study finds […]

New linear optics of particle accelerators using Moebius transformation

New linear optics of particle accelerators using Moebius transformation

MathematicsParticle physicsPhysics

By Invited Researcher

The propagation of light -observed and governed since ancient times by simple lens construction- has long been described through classical geometrical optics. However, in particle accelerators we do not transport photons but beams of electrically charged particles subjected to repulsive forces that tend to unpack the particle beams. Optics of particle accelerators require electromagnetic lenses […]

Landau singularities revisited

Landau singularities revisited

MathematicsParticle physicsPhysics

By César Tomé

Scientists have used computational algebraic geometry to study predictions for particle physics experiments, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These experiments, in combination with new mathematical tools, help to solve unanswered questions in physics in a much faster way and have a profound impact on our understanding of nature. When studying particle […]

New multispecies compact ion source and efficient experimental proton beam characterization

New multispecies compact ion source and efficient experimental proton beam characterization


By Invited Researcher

Any particle accelerator needs a reliable electron or ion source as a first, humble but essential and critical component. The world’s most powerful particle accelerator today -the Large Hadron Collider- extracts its protons from a single bottle of Hydrogen gas. Ion sources produce beams for a large variety of different scientific experiments, industrial processes and […]

How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist

How logic alone may prove that time doesn’t exist

Philosophy of sciencePhysics

By Invited Researcher

Modern physics suggests time may be an illusion. Einstein’s theory of relativity, for example, suggests the universe is a static, four-dimensional block that contains all of space and time simultaneously – with no special “now”. What’s the future to one observer, is the past to another. That means time doesn’t flow from past to future […]