Category archives: Computer science

What does the “we don’t understand how artificial intelligence takes decisions” statement mean?

What does the “we don’t understand how artificial intelligence takes decisions” statement mean?

Computer science

By Julián Estévez

Specialized media sometimes publishes similar headlines to the title of the present article. For instance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. They are all referred to deep learning, which is a part of artificial intelligence. However, if we get algorithms to work and achieve advanced intelligent applications, what is exactly not understandable? Deep learning […]

Simulating particle physics in a quantum computer

Simulating particle physics in a quantum computer

Computer scienceParticle physics

By Daniel Manzano

Particle physics is an interesting and complicated field of study. Its theoretical framework, the Standard Model, was developed during the second half of the twentieth century and it opened he possibility to explaining the behavior of the basic blocks of the Universe. It also classified all the particles, from the electron (discovered in 1897) to […]

Negotiating Wi-Fi channels to improve bandwidth in surveillance networks

Negotiating Wi-Fi channels to improve bandwidth in surveillance networks

Computer scienceMathematics

By David Orden

Security in residential and public areas is a matter of great importance for many people. This is why some Internet providers are offering surveillance systems as a value-added service. Such surveillance systems have recently shifted from CCTVs to IP-based cameras, as the latter offer clear advantages to their users, like a more competitive cost and […]

System of quadrotors for the transportation of deformable linear objects

System of quadrotors for the transportation of deformable linear objects

Computer scienceMechanical EngineeringRobotics

By Julián Estévez

Nowadays, the industry is centering their efforts on the development of single aerial robots carrying single objects, such as the widely-known drone of Amazon for delivering packages, which was followed by some national post-office services. However, other approaches go a step further and get to transport bigger objects in a cooperative way, reducing the payload […]

A working molecular electronic switch

A working molecular electronic switch

ChemistryComputer scienceCondensed matterMaterialsPhysics


A visionary perspective of molecular electronics is the use of single molecules as functional entities in electronic devices. In this context, some of the most important components are molecular switches, which are molecules that can be interconverted reversibly between at least two stable states, one for the OFF and one for the ON. In order […]

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

Computer scienceMaterialsMedicine

By Invited Researcher

M ethodological developments in medical imaging, computer sciences and rapid prototyping technologies offer new possibilities for research and formation in anthropology, archaeology and curation procedures but also for the benefit of the cultural heritage. To conduct their studies on rare fossil specimens, anthropologists and archaeologists have to deal with two challenges. First, the specimens of […]