Category archives: Materials

Introducing impurities

Introducing impurities

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


The most extensive use of semiconductors, such as silicon or germanium, including their use as transistors, arises from their behavior when, after being sufficiently purified of atoms other than the basic element (e.g., silicon or germanium), very small amounts of special impurities are carefully introduced. While the methods for first purifying then adding small amounts […]

A working molecular electronic switch

A working molecular electronic switch

ChemistryComputer scienceCondensed matterMaterialsPhysics


A visionary perspective of molecular electronics is the use of single molecules as functional entities in electronic devices. In this context, some of the most important components are molecular switches, which are molecules that can be interconverted reversibly between at least two stable states, one for the OFF and one for the ON. In order […]



Condensed matterMaterialsPhysics


The most prevalent use today of semiconductors is forming them into transistors, the basic electronic building blocks of all “solid-state electronics” and computer microchips. Semiconductors are the most important materials in the burgeoning revolution in computers and other electronic devices today. Such applications also arose, beginning in the 1930s, from the quantum mechanics of the […]

Impurities and spin Hall effects in graphene

Impurities and spin Hall effects in graphene

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


The interactions between moving charges and magnetic fields can be quite complicated; more if we consider the quantum effects. One example is the collection of Hall effects. There are analogues of these effects for spin and the detection of the most sophisticated one in graphene, where, at least, it should not be strong, is something […]

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

From bones to 3D(s): diffusion, didactics and diagnostics

Computer scienceMaterialsMedicine

By Invited Researcher

M ethodological developments in medical imaging, computer sciences and rapid prototyping technologies offer new possibilities for research and formation in anthropology, archaeology and curation procedures but also for the benefit of the cultural heritage. To conduct their studies on rare fossil specimens, anthropologists and archaeologists have to deal with two challenges. First, the specimens of […]

Shrinking plasmonic nanomatryoshkas

Shrinking plasmonic nanomatryoshkas

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


We know that incident light can provoke a strong optical response in metallic nanostructures due to the excitation of resonant plasmonic modes, i.e, the electrons in the metal become excited by the photons in the incident light and oscillate collectively. One of the most interesting properties of plasmon resonances is their associated enhancement and confinement […]

Mimicking Nature’s light-harvesting efficiency: the case of sulphur-bridged terthiophene dimers

Mimicking Nature’s light-harvesting efficiency: the case of sulphur-bridged terthiophene dimers

ChemistryCondensed matterEnergyMaterials


In nature, light harvesting organisms make extensive use of energy and electron transfer between adjacent molecules. Thus, in the photosynthetic cell of an algae, bacterium, or plant, there are light-sensitive molecules called chromophores, which contain a π-conjugated system (a system with alternate single and double bonds), arranged in an antenna-shaped structure named a photocomplex. When […]

Visualizing charge oscillations on a metal surface

Visualizing charge oscillations on a metal surface

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsQuantum physics


With “many-body problem” we usually make reference to one that is very difficult to obtain exact solutions for, because the system involves interactions between more than two bodies. This kind of problem appears both in classical and quantum systems. In order to understand the physics of many-body systems, it is necessary to make use of […]

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

A method to calculate elastic quantum transport at the nanoscale

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The field of electronic transport through nanometer-scale systems, such as molecular junctions or atomic wires, has been an extremely active area during the last decades. The effect that the development of a post-silicon era might have on our daily lives, together with the existence of a number of extremely interesting scientific and technological open questions […]

Effects of defects and water on perovskite solar cells

Effects of defects and water on perovskite solar cells

ChemistryCondensed matterEnergyMaterialsPhysics


The German mineralogist Gustav Rose (1798 – 1873) made important contributions in the fields of petrology and crystallography. He was the first to use a reflective goniometer in Germany and developed a particular interest in the relationship between the crystalline form and the physical properties of minerals. As a consequence, he contributed significantly to the […]