Category archives: Nanotechnology

Autonomous methods can discover new materials, faster

Autonomous methods can discover new materials, faster

Computer scienceMaterialsNanotechnology

By César Tomé

Scientists have successfully demonstrated that autonomous methods can discover new materials. The artificial intelligence (AI)-driven technique led to the discovery of three new nanostructures, including a first-of-its-kind nanoscale “ladder.” The newly discovered structures were formed by a process called self-assembly, in which a material’s molecules organize themselves into unique patterns. Scientists at Brookhaven’s Center for […]

A photonic picocavity in action

A photonic picocavity in action

NanotechnologyQuantum physics


Light emission from emitters is a valuable piece of information in a variety of sensing and detection techniques, capable of labeling physical and biological processes which occur in the proximity of the emitter. Furthermore, quantum technologies are currently exploiting the statistics of single-emitters light emission aiming at turning particular emitters into fundamental units to sustain […]

Controlled molecular rotors mounted on a molecular platform on a gold substrate

Controlled molecular rotors mounted on a molecular platform on a gold substrate

Condensed matterNanotechnology


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016 was awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart and Ben Feringa “for the design and synthesis of molecular machines”. Molecular machines are made by one or a few molecules linked together, comprising several hundred atoms. If a molecule can use an energy input to perform a mechanical movement (output) it […]

The magnetism of triangulene

The magnetism of triangulene

MaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics


Graphene is a diamagnetic material, this is, unable of becoming magnetic. However, a triangular piece of graphene is predicted to be magnetic. This apparent contradiction is a consequence of “magic” shapes in the structure of graphene flakes, which force electrons to “spin” more easily in one direction. Triangulene is a triangular graphene flake, which possesses […]

Second-harmonic generation in a quantum emitter – metallic nanoparticle hybrid

Second-harmonic generation in a quantum emitter – metallic nanoparticle hybrid

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


When two photons with the same energy interact with a nonlinear material, they “combine” and generate a new photon with twice the energy of the initial photons. More precisely, two photons at the fundamental frequency are absorbed by a plasmonic structure to emit one photon at the second-harmonic frequency. This is called second-harmonic generation. Second-harmonic […]

Engineering hybrid graphene nanoribbons with active electronic properties

Engineering hybrid graphene nanoribbons with active electronic properties

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), are strips of graphene with ultra-thin width (<50 nm). Graphene ribbons, introduced as a theoretical model by Mitsutaka Fujita and coauthors to examine the edge and nanoscale size effect in graphene, have emerged as a promising material for nanoelectronics, as they combine many of the extraordinary properties of graphene with a high […]

On-demand spectral response of phonon polaritons in van der Waals materials

On-demand spectral response of phonon polaritons in van der Waals materials

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


In the quantum theory of many-body systems, collective oscillations are called collective excitations. In a quantum context, everything is quantized. Hence, collective excitations become quantized modes because of the cooperative motion of the whole system as a result of interactions between particles. They may be electronic excitations in atoms and are referred excitons. In most […]

A universal tool for the measurement of electron−phonon coupling in conducting low-dimensional systems

A universal tool for the measurement of electron−phonon coupling in conducting low-dimensional systems

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnology


Superconductivity is a physical phenomenon in which some materials exhibit zero electrical resistance when cooled down below a certain critical temperature. As surprising as it can be, the critical temperature of these materials can be modified by reducing the sample size to about a million times the size of the objects we are used to […]