Category archives: Technology

Fine-tuning the speed of magnetic devices

Fine-tuning the speed of magnetic devices

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Some metals, alloys and transition-element salts exhibit a form of magnetism called antiferromagnetism. This occurs below a certain temperature, named after Louis Néel, when an ordered array of atomic magnetic moments spontaneously forms in which alternate moments have opposite directions. There is therefore no net resultant magnetic moment in the absence of an applied field […]

Next generation refrigeration technologies

Next generation refrigeration technologies


By BCMaterials

Human activities impact significantly on the environment we live. The human society has been experiencing extreme weather conditions frequently that indicate a systematic climate shift. Almost every place in the world has set records of extreme temperatures. This trend of extreme weather has been warned by scientists to be possibly a result of excessive human […]

Highly ordered nanothread products using heteroatoms

Highly ordered nanothread products using heteroatoms

ChemistryDIPC Computational and Theoretical ChemistryMaterials


Nanothreads are one-dimensional nanomaterials composed of a primarily sp 3 hydrocarbon backbone, typically formed through the compression of small molecules to high pressures. In 2015, it was found that the slow room-temperature compression of benzene produced crystalline , one-dimensional polymers composed of diamond-like bonds. These diamondoid materials that border nanotubes and polymers are predicted to […]

Deformations of moiré patterns in twisted bilayer graphene

Deformations of moiré patterns in twisted bilayer graphene

DIPC Advanced materialsMaterials


Twistology could be the study of unexpected changes or developments in stories or situations, from coups d’état to the fatherhood of Darth Vader. In condensed matter physics there is something similar, although the preferred name is twistronics (from twist and electronics). It is understood as the study of how the angle (the twist) between layers […]

Model of new tuberculosis vaccine shows its potential impact and value in South Africa and India

Model of new tuberculosis vaccine shows its potential impact and value in South Africa and India


By Invited Researcher

Two years of battling COVID-19 has been bad news for tuberculosis (TB) programmes. Respiratory clinicians and researchers have had their time and focus directed elsewhere. And TB has taken advantage. In 2021, the number of TB deaths rose for the first time in over a decade. The barriers caused by lockdowns and overstretched healthcare systems […]

How to regenerate a functional heart using 3D printing

How to regenerate a functional heart using 3D printing


By Invited Researcher

C ardiovascular diseases currently form the most important class of non-contagious diseases and a leading cause of mortality in industrialized nations . Specifically, coronary heart disease is the first cause of death among the cardiovascular diseases . The myocardial infarction (MI), commonly known as a “heart attack”, occurs when blood flow decreases or stops in […]

Best performing deep-red bio-HLED reported to date

Best performing deep-red bio-HLED reported to date

DIPC BiochemistryMaterials


Inorganic and organic light-emitting diodes (ILEDs and OLEDs, respectively) are quickly replacing incandescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps. The reasons for the success are easy to understand. For instance, ILEDs’ performance has met the market requirements for in-/out-door applications with single-point sources. However, ILEDs cannot be considered a sustainable solution as of today. One […]

AI can predict Alzheimer’s risk from brain scans

AI can predict Alzheimer’s risk from brain scans

Computer scienceNeurobiologyNeuroscience

By Rosa García-Verdugo

Since humans are not very good at predicting the future, even if the help of a magic ball, scientists have developed a new system based on artificial intelligence to help us predict the future risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease by analysing certain parameters in brain scans. The research, recently published in the journal Diagnostics […]