Category archives: Technology

Beyond the point-dipole approximation

Beyond the point-dipole approximation

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


The wave nature of light expresses itself in the propagation all over space, showing an intrinsic limitation to be localized beyond the so-called diffraction limit which is of the order of half the wavelength of the photons propagating. However when interacting with matter, light often gets reflected, diffracted, scattered or absorbed depending on the interactions […]

Is cancer a side effect of the treatment of cardiac problems in children?

Is cancer a side effect of the treatment of cardiac problems in children?



Why people younger than 22 with congenital or acquired heart conditions should be more likely of developing a cancer? Actually, a small number of studies have been published, suggesting relatively high cancer incidence and mortality, compared to the general population. If it is true a correlation exists, there are several potential explanations. It could be […]

The flexibility of 2D silica

The flexibility of 2D silica

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyPhysics


Since the discovery that graphene, the two dimensional carbon allotrope, can be isolated and incorporated into electronic devices intense research efforts have been triggered. Driving forces usually mentioned behind the experimental and theoretical studies of graphene are the exceptional electronic properties, in particular the high electron mobilities, the long spin coherence lengths and the possibility […]

How to extract the interacting spectral function from a ground state DFT calculation

How to extract the interacting spectral function from a ground state DFT calculation

Condensed matterNanotechnologyPhysicsQuantum physicsTheoretical physics


The electronic wave function of an n-electron molecule depends on 3n spatial and n spin coordinates. In a sense, the wave function of a many-electron molecule contains more information than is needed and is lacking in direct physical significance. This has prompted the search for methods that involve fewer variables than the wave function and […]

Augmented reality and autism

Augmented reality and autism


By José Ramón Alonso

The most effective interventions in people with autism are based on a personal work by specialized professionals and these therapies, when well designed and well done, achieve a constant improvement in different areas such as social communication, the presence of stereotypes and other atypical behaviors characteristic of autism. However, person-to-person therapies are by their very […]

Higher-order topological insulators

Higher-order topological insulators

Condensed matterMaterialsPhysicsTheoretical physics


Topological insulators are materials with special universal properties, which are protected against perturbations. Such properties are theoretically described by topology, a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of geometrical objects that are unchanged by continuous deformations. Concretely, topological insulators are electronic materials that have a bulk band gap like an ordinary insulator but have […]

The 3D-printing hype: expectations vs. reality

The 3D-printing hype: expectations vs. reality


By Silvia Román

After years of watching manufacturing plants relocating offshore, hundreds of thousands of jobs gone and deindustrialization creeping up, policy makers and investors from high-income countries are finally willing to bring the manufacturing sector back. But they won’t get this done just competing globally for mass, low-cost production; those days are long gone. On the contrary […]

The forgotten fraction in semicrystalline semiconducting polymers

The forgotten fraction in semicrystalline semiconducting polymers

ChemistryCondensed matterMaterials


A class of materials of utmost fundamental and applied interest is that of semicrystalline polymers. Actually, all solid synthetic polymers are, in general, partly crystalline and partly amorphous. The degree of crystallinity depends on the polymer structure and on how the solid is prepared. Rapid cooling of the molten polymer favors formation of an amorphous […]

Chemicals and fuels from plant waste

Chemicals and fuels from plant waste


By Pablo Ortiz

Both the depletion of fossil fuels and the environmental concerns are a powerful drive for the development of sustainable routes to commodity chemicals. Lignocellulose, comprised of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, is the ideal candidate, but its inherent complexity hampers its transformation to value-added chemicals. The group of Katalin Barta at the University of Groningen has […]