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First neutrinoless double beta decay search with a NEXT detector

First neutrinoless double beta decay search with a NEXT detector

DIPC Particle PhysicsParticle physics


Deep below the Spanish side of the Pyrenees, we find the LSC (Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc – Canfranc Underground Laboratory), where the NEXT experiment is taking place. Its goal is one of the remaining holy grails of particle physics: the proof that the neutrino is its own antiparticle, a result with profound meaning not only […]

The emergence of perovskite-based photovoltaics

The emergence of perovskite-based photovoltaics


By BCMaterials

The climate crisis arising from greenhouse gas emissions has led to a greater emphasis on energy security, and affordability, to ensure a smooth energy transition. The decarbonization of the energy sector will promote a reduction in carbon emissions and will minimize catastrophic natural disasters. The deployment of low-carbon technology towards a sustainable and clean energy […]

MI weekly selection #542

MI weekly selection #542

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

New archaeology method could confirm Bible event Thermal demagnetization, a new method used on mud bricks that are thousands of years old, may help archaeologists understand information preserved in burned material. The technique could reveal how building materials were made, and the authors of the study say in this case it corroborates the Bible’s description […]

MitoEM challenge remains open

MitoEM challenge remains open

DIPC Computer Science


Mitochondria are the primary energy providers for cell activities. The quantification of the size and geometry of mitochondria is crucial to basic neuroscience research, as it contributes to the identification of neuron types. This quantification is also informative to clinical studies where energy-usage unbalances are implied, like bipolar disorder or diabetes. High-resolution imaging technologies like […]

Ultrasensitive molecular sensing with surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)

Ultrasensitive molecular sensing with surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)

Condensed matterMaterialsNanotechnologyQuantum physics

By César Tomé

Sensors are essential tools for detecting and analysing trace molecules in a variety of fields, including environmental monitoring, food safety, and public health. However, developing sensors with high enough sensitivity to detect these tiny amounts of molecules remains a challenge. One promising approach is surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA), which uses plasmonic nanostructures to amplify the […]

Noncanonical β-catenin interactions promote leukemia-initiating activity in early T-ALL

Noncanonical β-catenin interactions promote leukemia-initiating activity in early T-ALL


By Invited Researcher

T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is a hematological malignancy that affects both children and adults. Although with current chemotherapy regimens cure is achieved in ~80% of pediatric patients, adults fare more poorly with only 40% 5-year overall survival . Restricted cellular subsets with asymmetrically enriched leukemia-initiating cell (LIC) activity have been reported in human and […]

MI weekly selection #541

MI weekly selection #541

Weekly Selection

By César Tomé

Octopus DNA helps scientists resolve geological mystery Scientists analyzed the genetic history of an octopus species living in the Antarctic to confirm a theory about when the West Antarctic ice sheet last collapsed. The Turquet’s octopus has different populations separated by the West Antarctic ice shelves today, but the creature’s family tree indicates that the […]