Author archives: DIPC

Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry, <i>ab initio</i> calculations included

Magnetic Topological Quantum Chemistry, ab initio calculations included

Condensed matterDIPC Advanced materialsMaterialsQuantum physics


Topological materials have special universal properties, which are protected against perturbations. Such properties are theoretically described by topology, a branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of geometrical objects that are unchanged by continuous deformations. Topological materials behave like an ordinary insulator in the bulk but have conducting states on their boundaries, i.e., edges or […]

An intriguing link between Kerker conditions and energy conservation from fundamental principles

An intriguing link between Kerker conditions and energy conservation from fundamental principles

Condensed matterMaterials


A nanoantenna with balanced electric and magnetic dipole moments exhibits a directive radiation pattern with zero backscattering. This is known as the first Kerker condition after Kerker, Wang, and Giles, who predicted in 1983 that, under plane wave illumination, magnetic spheres with equal relative permittivity and permeability radiate no light in the backscattering direction. They […]

The critical role of single atoms on the electronic properties of a metal organic network

The critical role of single atoms on the electronic properties of a metal organic network

ChemistryDIPC Electronic PropertiesDIPC InterfacesMaterials


Organic-based materials have gained rising interest as active components in electronics, energy conversion and catalytic systems. However, the discrete nature of the molecular constituents of these systems implies a reduced electron conductance, lowering the device efficiency. In order to increase the electron delocalization through an improved structural order, which favors orbital overlap and consequently the […]

Labeling anticancer gold complexes to study their organ accumulation in vivo

Labeling anticancer gold complexes to study their organ accumulation in vivo

ChemistryDIPC PhotochemistryPharmacy


Auranofin is a gold (Au) salt classified by the World Health Organization as an antirheumatic agent. It was approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in 1985, but is no longer a first-line treatment due to its adverse effects on a long-term basis. But the drug is important in another way. The discovery that auranofin […]

Universal speed limits in thermodynamics away from equilibrium

Universal speed limits in thermodynamics away from equilibrium

DIPC Quantum SystemsPhysicsTheoretical physics


Many problems in science and engineering involve understanding how quickly a physical system transitions between distinguishable states and the energetic costs of advancing at a given speed. While theories such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics put fundamental bounds on the dynamical evolution of physical systems, the form and function of the bounds differ. Rudolf Clausius’s […]

Simultaneous ignition of the CO oxidation on a curved platinum surface

Simultaneous ignition of the CO oxidation on a curved platinum surface

ChemistryDIPC Electronic PropertiesDIPC Interfaces


Carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation (2CO + O2 → CO2) on platinum (Pt) group metal surfaces is the model heterogeneous gas/surface catalytic reaction. Pt itself is of the upmost importance as a catalyst for car exhaust cleaning or for the water gas shift reaction, whereas Pt crystal surfaces are model systems for investigating the catalytic CO […]

Black metallic hydrogen due to proton quantum fluctuations

Black metallic hydrogen due to proton quantum fluctuations

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The most famous conjecture in condensed-matter physics was proposed in 1935, when Hillard Huntington and Eugene Wigner calculated the properties of hydrogen squeezed to high density and pressure. They predicted that under pressures above 25 gigapascals (GPa), hydrogen would undergo a density-driven transition from an insulating, molecular solid to a conducting, atomic solid . In […]

A photonic picocavity in action

A photonic picocavity in action

NanotechnologyQuantum physics


Light emission from emitters is a valuable piece of information in a variety of sensing and detection techniques, capable of labeling physical and biological processes which occur in the proximity of the emitter. Furthermore, quantum technologies are currently exploiting the statistics of single-emitters light emission aiming at turning particular emitters into fundamental units to sustain […]

Measuring electron-phonon interaction in multidimensional materials with helium atom scattering

Measuring electron-phonon interaction in multidimensional materials with helium atom scattering

Condensed matterMaterialsQuantum physics


The discovery of superconductivity in 2D films dates back over 80 years. Initially, these were 2D metallic films deposited on inert substrates, but in recent times more exotic 2D systems have exhibited superconducting properties, such as the surface of topological insulators or twisted bilayer graphene. Superconductivity is caused by the interactions between atomic vibrations (phonons) […]