Author archives: Invited Researcher

Pulsed radiotherapy

Pulsed radiotherapy


By Invited Researcher

Can radiotherapy with laser-produced ionizing radiation be an alternative to conventional radiotherapy? Can we deep our understanding of the basic mechanisms of radiation damage? Can we study the very early biological response of the living matter and use this knowledge to design more efficient radiotherapy treatments? Contrary to popular belief, when tumoral tissue is irradiated […]

Regain the renewal capacity after myocardial ischemia? Pitx2 and its partners!

Regain the renewal capacity after myocardial ischemia? Pitx2 and its partners!


By Invited Researcher

Author: Shu Ning got her BSc degree in Pharmacy from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (China) in 2014. In 2016, she obtained her Master of Research degree on Clinical Research – Translational Medicine – at Imperial College London (UK) where she has worked on mitochondrial dysfunction in pulmonary smooth muscle cells from Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Currently she […]

The recycling of data unveils genomic regions related to celiac disease

The recycling of data unveils genomic regions related to celiac disease


By Invited Researcher

Celiac Disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease that is developed in susceptible individuals when the gluten is present in their diet. As consequence, there is an inflammation of the small intestine, what has different effects, such as pain and diarrhoea, and the only effective treatment known is a gluten-free diet. A great portion of the […]

A new source of X-ray fluorescence for art

A new source of X-ray fluorescence for art


By Invited Researcher

A lthough unfortunately it takes place in rare situations, the synergies between scientific and artistic disciplines offer a vast number of possible applications. The benefits are clear: on one hand artists, conservators and restorers profit from the detailed knowledge about matter and its natural transformation processes that Science provides, and on the other hand, scientists […]

Are we close to find a treatment for Alzheimer´s disease?

Are we close to find a treatment for Alzheimer´s disease?


By Invited Researcher

Author: Estibaliz Capetillo-Zarate got her Ph.D. from Bonn University in 2006. Since 2007 she has worked for the Weil Cornell Medical College. Currently she is an Ikerbasque Research Fellow affiliated to UPV/EHU and the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience. She investigates the role of neurons and microglia in Alzheimer’s disease. We might be still a […]

Solar irradiance influences the settlement patterns of mussels

Solar irradiance influences the settlement patterns of mussels


By Invited Researcher

Author: Uxio Labarta is a research professor at IIM-CSIC (Vigo, Galicia). From the Laboratory of Mussels Ecology and Culture Management, he works on the ecology, physiology, and bioeconomic management of bivalve molluscs. The Lab of Mussels was created in 1987 with Dr. Fernández-Reiriz, and now also integrated by Dr. Fuentes-Santos and the technicians L. Nieto […]

Hey, white man! Just take care of your skin!

Hey, white man! Just take care of your skin!


By Invited Researcher

Authors: Bárbara Hernando studied Biotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, then she moved to London where she did her MSc in Biomedical Sciences at London Metropolitan University. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Medicine of the Jaume I University of Castellon. Conrado Martinez-Cadenas studied Medicine at the University of Navarre […]

SNPs, RNA and Celiac Disease

SNPs, RNA and Celiac Disease


By Invited Researcher

Around 80% of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated to many human diseases map to non-coding regions. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) represent a large portion of non-coding regions across the genome, however the link between the disease-associated SNPs on lncRNA expression or function, and the implications for disease, remain uncharacterized. Celiac disease is complex immune […]