Category archives: Anthropology

Hips might not lie but body fat tells more about female physical attractiveness

Hips might not lie but body fat tells more about female physical attractiveness


By Rosa García-Verdugo

A lot has been said and written about what makes women physically attractive, from having full lips and/or breasts to being shorter than a man, to having a symmetrical face to having a low waist-hip ratio (WHR), all being indicators, at least in theory, of potential reproductive fitness . For instance, a low WHR has […]

Of flowers and burials. The remarkable case of the Red Lady of El Mirón

Of flowers and burials. The remarkable case of the Red Lady of El Mirón


By Invited Researcher

Authors: Maria-José Iriarte-Chiapusso is an Ikerbasque research professor at the Department of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Álvaro Arrizabalaga is a lecturer of Prehistory in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Archaeology has been defined as the “Science of Trash”. However fortunate or unfortunate that definition might be, it […]

History and legend in the origins of Islam (and IV)

History and legend in the origins of Islam (and IV)


By Jesús Zamora Bonilla

We shall close with this entry our series (I, II, III) about the origins of Islam, indicating some further interesting facts about the Qur’an. 4) By Muhammad’s time, the Arabic alphabet contained no marks for vowels; furthermore, some groups of consonants were written with exactly the same character (e.g., the symbols for sounds b, t […]

When should a man be more interested in caring for his sister’s children than his wife’s?

When should a man be more interested in caring for his sister’s children than his wife’s?


By César Tomé

From the genetic point of view, when should a man be more interested in caring for his sister’s children than his wife’s? A quantitative analysis of Alan Rogers, University of Utah, shows that this behaviour should be the choice in populations where adultery is common or permitted. In the animal world, males caring for offspring […]