Category archives: Health

Fight suicide!

Fight suicide!


By José Ramón Alonso

Suicide is one of the worst health and social problems in the modern world. Hundreds of millions of persons experience suicidal thoughts every year and between 10 and 20 millions went on to attempt suicide. In Spain, although the average risk is lower than in Northern countries, almost 4.000 persons die every year by their […]

A pulse in the Mediterranean diet

A pulse in the Mediterranean diet


By José Viosca

Intense flavors imprint our palate at every spoonful of Asturian fabada, an unquestionable cultural hallmark of Northern Spanish cuisine. Because of the present United Nations´ international year of pulses, we are visiting here some bits of the science about a food regime particularly rich in them. Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are feeding building blocks for […]

What if Alzheimer’s disease was caused by fungi?

What if Alzheimer’s disease was caused by fungi?


By Ignacio Amigo

More than a hundred years have passed since the German physicist Alois Alzheimer associated the traits of dementia of one of her patients with morphological changes in her brain after her death. While we know a great deal about what today is known as Alzheimer’s disease, we still need to answer two fundamental questions: what […]

Hips might not lie but body fat tells more about female physical attractiveness

Hips might not lie but body fat tells more about female physical attractiveness


By Rosa García-Verdugo

A lot has been said and written about what makes women physically attractive, from having full lips and/or breasts to being shorter than a man, to having a symmetrical face to having a low waist-hip ratio (WHR), all being indicators, at least in theory, of potential reproductive fitness . For instance, a low WHR has […]

Diets to live longer

Diets to live longer


By Ignacio Amigo

One of the first things that we are taught in school is that living things are born, grow, reproduce and die. We can think of aging as the line that connects these events, lifespan as the length of that line and senescence as the step that goes from reproducing to dying. The three terms bring […]

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?

Alzheimer’s disease: type 3 diabetes?


By Jaime de Juan Sanz

Increasing numbers of people are developing diabetes in our society and current predictions estimate that nowadays this disease affects about 9% of the whole population. As a consequence, health care systems in industrialized countries have developed many types of clinical interventions that prevent and treat classic complications of this disease and improve the lifetime and […]

Food of gods

Food of gods


By José Ramón Alonso

Mayans considered chocolate to be the food of gods, something that is remembered in the scientific name of the cacao plant ( Theobroma cacao ). Although these presumably consumers are not any longer considered, c hocolate is an important dietary source of flavonoid antioxidants, which are hypothesized to have a beneficial effect on endothelial function […]

Graphene Oxide: Yet another “cancer cure of the week”?

Graphene Oxide: Yet another “cancer cure of the week”?


By Isabel Perez Castro

Since its discovery in 2003, graphene has become one of the “materials of the future”, with applications ranging from tissue engineering to energy storage. Recently, a paper published in Oncotarget by researchers at the University of Manchester has shown its potential in anti-cancer therapy, in addition to its already known applications in medicine as a […]